RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Control.
Approved May 26, 1977.
No. 57
(House Joint Resolution 123)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Highway Bridges
FOR the purpose of requesting the Governor and Secretary
of the Department of Transportation to fund the
necessary improvements to highway bridges which are
in critical need.
WHEREAS, During the 1976 and 1977 sessions of the
General Assembly four , bills were introduced to create
additional State debt for the purpose of funding urgent
improvements to critically needed highway bridges,
specifically the Choptank River Bridge, the Mt. Aetna
Bridge, the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Bridge and the
South River Bridge; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly is aware that such
improvements should be funded through the Transportation
Trust Fund which was created to provide a balanced
transportation system in the State; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly may not add projects
to the transportation program proposed by the Governor
and the Secretary of the Department of Transportation;
WHEREAS, There are many highway bridges in critical
need of improvement and necessary for the safety and
well—being of the citizens of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, The Transportation Trust Fund is dedicated
to the improvement of all modes of transportation; now,
therefore, be it
the Governor and Secretary of the Department of
Transportation give critically needed bridges a higher
priority over other transportation projects to insure
that the critically needed bridges are funded in the
transportation program for Fiscal Year 1979; and be it