Senate, and Speaker of the House of Delegates establish a
commission for the purpose of examining current
condominium laws and proposing revisions with a view
towards the protection of condominium developers and
purchasers alike; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the commission shall consist of the
following parties:
Three members of the general public to be appointed
by the Governor, at least two of whom are condominium
owners, and at least one who is a lawyer knowledgeable in
the area of condominium law,
Two persons appointed by the Governor to represent
the interest of condominium developers in Maryland; two
persons from the field of finance who are knowledgeable
in the area of condominium finance.
Two representatives of State administrative
agencies, including the Department of Licensing and
Regulation, and Economic and Community Development.
Four members of the General Assembly, two to be
appointed by the President of the Senate from the
membership of the Senate, and two to be appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Delegates from the membership of
the House of Delegates; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the commission shall review and
evaluate the existing laws relating to condominium
development and ownership in Maryland and in
accomplishment of this mission shall hear testimony and
collect and study data from whatever sources available
and make such recommendations to the Governor and the
General Assembly as it deems appropriate; and that the
matters which the commission should consider include, but
are not limited to, specifications and requirements which
condominium developers should meet before building,
provisions for the financial accountability of
condominium developers, and provisions for legal recourse
for condominium purchasers in instances where developers
have defaulted; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the commission shall make an Interim
Report by January 1, 1978, to the Governor and the
General Assembly and make a Final Report to the Governor
and the General Assembly by January 1, 1979; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the following:
The Honorable Marvin Mandel, Governor of the State