Volume 726, Page 382 View pdf image |
382 aforesaid containing five hundred Acres of Land with the Appurtenances To which said Which the said Benjamin Musgrove did appear in his proper Person and vouch to Warranty thereof the aforesaid Barton Philpott and Martha his Wife who did likewise appear in their proper persons and vouch to Warranty thereof the common Vouchee of the same Court and such further and other proceedings were thereupon had that the said John Rogers did recover his seisin against the said Benjamin Musgrove of and in the demanded premisses and the said Benjamin Musgrove did recover over in Value against the said Barton Philpott and Martha his Wife and the said Barton Philpott and Martha his Wife recovered over in Value against the common Vouchee whereby a common Recovery of the aforesaid premisses hath been had and Suffered Now this Indenture witnesseth that for the settling and declaring the Intent and Use of the said Recovery it is hereby covenanted granted agreed and declared by and between the said parties to these presents that the common Recovery so as aforesaid or in any other Manner had and suffered and the Execution thereof from and immediately after the suffering the same or any other Recovery or Recoveries of the said mentioned Premisses or any part thereof was meant and intended to be and enure and that the Recoveror therein named and his Heirs should and shall stand and be seised of and in the recovered premisses and every Part and parcell thereof with the Appurtenances to and for the Uses Intents and purposes following that is to say of and in all that part of the said Tract or parcell of Land scituate lying and being on the East Side of the following Bounds Courses and Distances to Wit Beginning at a Spanish Oak standing by the road Side in the given Line of the said Tract of Land from thence with a Line drawn to a post standing in an Apple Orchard at the Head of a small Gully then cross the Spring Branch to a pair of old Barrs then to a small Locust Tree marked with three Notches standing at the Head of a Gully till it intersects a Run that goes by the place where an old Tobacco House formerly stood then with that Run till it intersects Piscattway Branch to the Use and Behoof of the said Benjamin Musgrove for and during the natural Life of the said Benjamin Musgrove and from and after his Death to and for the only proper Use and Behoofe of the said Barton Philpott his Heirs and Assigns forever and of and in all the Rest and Residue of the said Tract or parcell of Land and Premisses with the Appurtenances to and for the only proper Use and Behoofe of the said Barton Philpott his Heirs and Assigns forever and to or for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto ^interchangeably^ set their Hands and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first above written J Rogers (seal) Signed sealed & delivered in Benja Musgrove (seal) the presence of us Barton Philpott (seal) Henry Riddell Jn.o Campbell Martha Philpott (seal) (The) |
Volume 726, Page 382 View pdf image |
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