Volume 725, Page 292 View pdf image |
(292) and Susannah Darnall his Wife of Baltimore County planters of the one part and Francis Hall of Prince Georges County Gent of the other part Witnesseth that the said Nicholas Low Darnall and Susannah his Wife for and in Consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Sterling to them in hand paid by the said Francis Hall the receipt whereof they doth hereby Acknowledge and themselves therewith satisfied Hath Given granted aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents doth fully and Absolutely give Grant Alien Enfeoff and Confirm unto the said Francis Hall and his Heirs forever All that Tract or parcell of Land now in Possession of the said Nicholas Low Darnall Called The Land of Promise lying and being in Baltimore County and upon the head of Gun Powder River and upon the North side of the South Branch of the s.d River and Butted and Bounded as followeth (viz.t) Beginning at a Stone now fixt at the Division line between him the s.d Nicholas Low Darnall and his Brother Henry Bennett Darnall in the third Line of the Original Survey of the s.d Land and runing thence North fifty one and a half Degrees West two hundred and fifty nine perches to a red Oak mentioned in the Original Grant thence South West six hundred and eighty two perches to the South Branch of Gun Powder River then South fifty four degrees and a quarter East two hundred and ninety nine perches to the dividing line thence North forty two Degrees and a quarter East six hundred and seventy perches to the Stone fixt for the Beginning laid out for and Computed to be One Thousand Acres of Land more or Less together with all and singular the plantations Houses buildings Edifices and improvements whatsoever thereon or thereunto belonging To have and to hold the said Bargained Premisses unto (him) |
Volume 725, Page 292 View pdf image |
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