Volume 725, Page 190 View pdf image |
(190) Maryland Prince Georges County 9.th May 1767 Then came John Baynes before us two of his Lordships Justices of the Peace for the said county and acknowledged the within Instruement to be his Act and Deed and the Land & Premisses therein Mentioned to be the Right of the within mentioned Joseph Noble his heirs & Assigns At the same time came Marytha wife of the said John Baynes and being Examined apart & out of the hearing of her said Husband acknowledged her willingness and consent to the within Instrument and that she was not constrained thereto by any threats or fear of ill usage by her said Husband acknowledged before us Tho.s Ha Marshall Geo Hardey Jun.r Received May 9.th 1767 of M.r Joseph Noble the sum of two Pence Sterling for the use of Lord Baltimore being the alienation fine on the within Land and by virtue of a commission from Edward Lloyd Esq.r his said Lordships Agent and Receiver General John Brice 5½ Sides Recorded the 9.th day of May 1767 Exam.d This Indenture made the Twenty eighth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty Seven Between William Woodward formerly of the City of london Goldsmith but now of the City of Annapolis in the Province of Maryland, Administrator of all & Singular the Goods & Chattels Rights and Credits of Elizabeth Gwin late of the City of London widow deceased, within the Province of Maryland which said Elizabeth Gwin survived a certain Mary Woodward late of Newington Butts, widow deceased & also one of the Trustees & Devisees of the s.d Mary Woodward as also Brother & Heir at Law of Elizabeth Bacon one of the Devisees of the said Elizabeth Gwin of the one part and James Hood of Ann Arundel County in the aforesaid Province, Wheelwright of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Woodward for & in consideration of the Sum of Twenty five pounds current money to him in hand paid by the said James Hood at or before the ensealing & delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Hath Bargained & sold & by these presents Doth Bargain & sell to the said James Hood and his heirs All y.t tract or parcel of Land called Baker's Delight lying & being partly in Ann Arundel County aforesaid and partly in the county of Baltimore Beginning at a bounded red oak & a bound Hiccory tree Standing on the South Side of the main falls of Patapsco river, respectively to the East ward a great heap of Rocks & yew trees on the north side of the said falls, & running from the said beginning |
Volume 725, Page 190 View pdf image |
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