Volume 725, Page 191 View pdf image |
(191) beginning several courses and distances to the same, containing and laid out for forty acres more or less as by the Patent thereof granted to a certain John Baker, reference being had thereunto may more fully & at large appear with all & singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining & also the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rights Estate Interest Benefit Claim & Demand whatsoever of him the said William Woodward of in & to all and Singular the Premisses with the Appurtenances herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby granted to the said James Hood his heirs & Assignes forever to the only proper use & behoof of the said James Hood his heirs & Assigns forever And the said William Woodward for himself his heirs Executors & Administrators doth covenant, promise grant & agree to & with the said James Hood his heirs, Executors Admin.rs & Assigns that he the said William Woodward the said tract or parcell of land & Premisses herein before mentioned & intended to be hereby granted & every part & parcel thereof with the Appurtenances unto the said James Hood his heirs & Assigns Shall and will Warrant & for ever defend by these Presents, not only against the said William Woodward & his heirs but also against any other person or persons Whatsoever that shall or may claim or pretend to claim any right title interest or Benefit thereto or therein And further that he the said William Woodward his heirs Execu.rs or Adm.rs Shall and will at all times hereafter at the reasonable request & at the Cost and Charges in the Law of the said James Hood his heirs & Assigns make do acknowledge perfect and Execute unto the said James Hood his heirs & Assigns all & every such other & further lawfull & reasonable Conveyances & Assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further & better granting conveying & assuring the said part or parcel of Land & Premisses with the Appurtenances unto the said James Hood his heirs & Assigns, as by the said James Hood his heirs & Assigns shall be reasonably devised advised or required In Witness whereof the said William Woodward hath hereunto set his hand & Seal the day and year above written Sealed & delivered in the W.m Woodward (seal) Presence of Dan of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Josiah Fitchett On the back of the Aforegoing Deed was thus written Viz.t 1767 Then reced of the within named James Hood the Sum of twenty five pounds Current Money being the consideration money within mentioned p Witness Dan of S.t Tho.s Jenifer W.m Woodward Josiah Fitchett On |
Volume 725, Page 191 View pdf image |
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