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Provincial Court Land Records, 1762-1763
Volume 724, Page 51   View pdf image
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        and in consideration of the sum of Fifty one Pounds one shilling and
        Seven Pence one farthing Sterling Money to him the said Walter Dulany
        by them the said James Dick and Daniel Wolstenholme in hand paid
        at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof
        he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom and of and from
        every Part and Parcel thereof doth hereby release acquit and Discharge the aforesaid
        James Dick and Daniel Wolstenholme their Heirs Executors Administrators and
        Assigns and every of them by these Presents He the said Walter Dulany Hath
        given granted bargained Sold Aliened released enfeoffed and confirmed and by
        these Presents Doth give Grant bargain Sell Alien release enfeoff and
        confirm unto them the said James Dick and Daniel Wolstenholme Two
        undivided third Parts of all that Peice or Parcel of Ground lying and being
        in the City of Annapolis aforesaid (except such Part thereof as is herein after
        excepted) which is included and contained within the following Boundaries
        Lines Courses and Distances to wit  Beginning at a stone standing
        on the east side of Scots Street marked WC and running thence
        North Seventy Nine Degrees East thirteen Perches and five Links to a
        Stone marked N.o 2 thence South forty five Degrees and thirty Minutes
        Easterly Six Perches to a Stone marked N.o 3 thence South Eighty three
        Degrees and forty five Minutes Easterly Seven Perches to a stone
        Marked N.o 4 thence with a line drawn so as to strike the Tangent
        of the Circle of the Mill on the North West side of the said Circle
        which said Line is North forty five Degrees and forty five Minutes
        easterly thirty two Perches to the River side then down and with the
        River an Easterly Course then by and with the River till it intersects
        a Line drawn South forty five Degrees and thirty Minutes Easterly
        from the first Beginning stone marked WC thence with the said Line
        reversed to the Beginning containing two acres and three Quarters of an
        acre (Excepting always and reserving to him the said Walter Dulany his
        Heirs and Assigns for ever out of the said parcel of Ground included and


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Provincial Court Land Records, 1762-1763
Volume 724, Page 51   View pdf image
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