Volume 723, Page 93 View pdf image |
(93) On the 17th Day of April 1760 Came before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court the within named Parties John Ward and Charles Boteler son of Henry and did each and every of them acknowledge this Deed to be their Act and Deed to the Intent and Purpose within Mentioned according to the form of the Act of Assembly in Such Case made and Provided sides Recorded 18th April 1760 taken by me Geo Steuart 5½ x.d This Indenture Tripartite made the fifteenth day of February in the Year of our Lord Seventeen hundred and sixty Between James Woodland late of Kent County in the Province of Maryland Merchant now of Georgia in the district of savanah of the first Part William Rasin of Kent County in Maryland Gentleman of the Second Part and Benjamin Newport of the County and Province aforesaid Yeoman of the third Part Witnesseth that the aforesaid James Woodland for the Docking Barring and cutting of all Estates Intail and Remainders in tail of an din all that Parcel of Land called part of Margaret Delight butted and bounded as hereafter expressed lying in Kent County aforesaid and for the Settling and assureing the same to and for the Uses Intents and Purposes herein after limmitted and expressed and in consideration of the sum of five Shillings Current Money of Maryland to him in hand paid by the said William Rasin before the Sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he the said James Woodland doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained and sold released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said William Rasin (in his actual Possession now being by Virtue of a bargain and Sale thereof to him made for one whole year commencing on the Day next before the Date hereof and by Virtue of the Statute for Transferring Uses into possession) All that Parcel of Land being part of a Tract of Land called Margaret delight lying in Kent County aforesaid Beginning at a marked red oak marked with fore Notches standing at the Head of a Meadow called Bosticks Meadow thence running from the said Oak South South East Eighty four perches then with a (line) |
Volume 723, Page 93 View pdf image |
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