Volume 720, Page 362 View pdf image |
362 Maries County and on the west Side of Chesapeake Bay Begining at a bounded hiccory standing on a branch of S.t Hellens Creek and runing thence north north west with the land of M.r Llewellin two hundred perches then west with the Land of William Guyther Jun.r two hundred and fifty eight perches thence south and by east two hundred perches untill it fall into a branch of S.t Helens Creek the devideing branch of the said Tract and a parcell of Land late in the in the Tenure and possession of one Thomas Williams Called Hogg Neck then east fifteen degrees northerly with the said branch one hundred and sixty per to the head of the said creek then down with the creek to the first bounder containing and laid out for two hundred and ninety ^nine^ acres of land more or less Together with all and singular the rights members and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaineing To have and to hold the said Land and premises with the appurtenances unto him the said Charles his heirs and assignes forever to the only proper use and behoofe of him the said Charles his heirs and to noe other use intent meaning purpose ^or^ construction whatsoever And she the said Margarett doth hereby for her and her heirs ex.rs and adm.rs covenant to and with him the said Charles his heirs ex.rs adm.rs & assigns that the above bargained p.rmises & every of them are clear and free of & from all & all manner of incumbrances whatsoever & that the same & every part thereof against all mann.r of psons ^persons^ whatsoever and that the same & every she will now and at all times forever hereafter warrant and Defend unto him the said Charles his heirs and assignes Provided allways and it al and it is hereby declared that if the said Margarett her heirs ex.rs or adm.rs shall att or upon the twenty second day of July next pay unto the said Charles his ex.rs adm.rs or assignes the full and just sume moyety of the said consideration mony with Legall Interest for the whole and alsoe pay in like manner unto him the said Charles att or upon the twenty second day day of July which shall happen to be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventeen the other dividend or just moyety of the said consideration mony with Legall Interest for such moyety that then this Deed is to be utt.rly void and of none effect otherwise to remaine absolute and in full force and vertue In Testimony whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangeably sett their hands and affixed their seales the day and year above written Marg.t Butler (seale) Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of Charles Adams Clement Brooke On the Back of the aforegoeing instrument was thus endorst Viz.t I do hereby authorize and empower M.r William Fitz Redmond to acknowledge this Deed in the provinciall Court of Maryland or before (any) |
Volume 720, Page 362 View pdf image |
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