Volume 720, Page 361 View pdf image |
361) And alsoe to put into execution all other the Lawfull powers of the said office of Collector of the rates and Duties Ariseing and Growing Due to his Maj.ty within the said District of Pocomoke proceeding therein as the Law Directs hereby praying and Requireing all and every his Maj.tys Officers Ministers and good subjects to be aiding and assisting unto him in all things as becometh Given under my hand and seale at Annapolis in Maryland the 4.th Day of Novemb.r 1714 and in y.e first year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King George security Given in Maryland £500 W Keith sur.r Gen.l W K recorded Feb.ry y.e 14.th 1715 Maryland August 28.th 1714 Know all men by These p.rsents that I Judeth Suormsted of Calv.t County do hereby assigne over unto my two Daughters Mary and Hannah Suormsted one Mill and one Still and two Feather Beds and the covering belonging to them and all other necessaries Belonging to the plantation called the Lordships favour whereby I have sett my hand and seale this twenty eighth day of August Anno Dom 1714 Judeth Swormsted (seale) Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of her Mary B R Readferne Philip Jones mark x.d This Indenture Made the Twenty Third day of July one thousand seven hundred and Fifteen ^by and^ Between M.rs Margarett Butler of Saint Maries County of the one parte and Charles Carroll of the City of Annapolis in Ann arund.ll County Esq.r of the other parte Wittnesseth that the said Margarett for and in Consideration of the sume of seventy five pounds Sterl to her in hand paid by the said Charles the receipt whereof she doth hereby accknowledge and thereof doth Exonerate Accquit and Discharge him the said Charles Carroll his heirs executors and administrators by these presents Hath given granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth for her and heirs give grant bargaine sell alien enfeoffe and confirme unto him the said Charles all that Tract or parcell of land lying in Saint (Maries) |
Volume 720, Page 361 View pdf image |
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