Volume 720, Page 359 View pdf image |
359) and every of them by force and vertue of these presents from time to Time and at all Times forever hereafter Lawfully peaceably and Quietly to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the afd lands and p.rmises with all every and singular their Rights Members and appurtenances and have receive and taken y.e Rents Issues and Proffitts thereof to his & their own proper use and behoofe for ever without any Lawfull Lett Suite trouble denyall Interuption Eviction or Disturbance of him the said Richard his heirs or assignes or of any other person or psons whatsoever and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquited exonerated and Discharged or otherwise from Time to time well and sufficiently Indemnified saved and kept harmless by the said Richard his heirs ex.rs or adm.rs of & from all and all mann.r of former and other Gifts grants bargaines sales Leases Mortgages Joyntures Dowers titles of Dower and of and from all and singular other Titles troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had made comitted suffered omitted or done by the said Richard Llewellin his heirs or assignes or by any other person or persons whatsoever the rents and services which from the twenty Fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seven to this time and from hence forward hath grown and shall grow due and payable to the Chief Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the p.rmises excepted & foreprized And Lastly the said Richard Llewellin for himselfe his heirs ex.rs and adm.rs doth covenant promise Grant and Agree to & with the said Philemon Lloyd his heirs and assignes that the said Richard his heirs or assignes shall and will from time to time and at all times ^for and^ dureing the space of five years next ensueing y.e date of these p.rsents at the reasonable request and at the ^proper^ cost and charges in the Law of him the said Philemon his heirs & assignes make do performe acknowledge and in Lawfull manner execute all and every such further and other Lawfull act and acts Thing and things Device and Devices in the law whatsoever for the further better more ^sure^ perfect and absolute assureance surety sure making setling conveying and confirming of the aforesaid Land & premises with the appurtenances into and upon him the said Philemon his heirs and assignes forever as by the Councill Learned in the Law of him the said Philemon he shall be reasonably devised advised or required according to the true intent and meaning of these presents so as the said Richard his heirs ex.rs adm.rs or assignes be not compelled to go further then the county of S.t Maries in the province afd in or about the makeing Doeing and performing ^thereof^ In Wittness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably Set their hands and affixed their seales the day and year first above written (Richard Llewellin (seale)) |
Volume 720, Page 359 View pdf image |
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