Volume 720, Page 360 View pdf image |
360 Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of William Asquith William Watts On the Back of y.e aforegoing conveyance was thus endorst viz.t Memorand.m that this day to witt the eleventh day of Jan.ry one thousand seven hundred and fifteen came before us two of his Majesties Justices of the peace for S.t Maries County the within named Richard Llewellin and acknowledged the within conveyance to be his act and Deed And Jane wife of the said Richard being by us privately examined signified her free and Voluntary Consent thereto without the Least fear or threats of her said husband taken & acknowledged before us William Asquith Henry Peregrine Jowles Maryland fs These are to certifie that the above named William Asquith & Henry Peregrine Jowles Before whome y.e within deed hath Been acknowledged are two of ^his^ Majesties Justices of Saint Maries County Court In Testimony whereof and of the said acknowledgment I have hereunto sett my hand and affixed the county seale of S.t Maries County afd this twenty third day of Jan.ry Annoq Dom 1715 And also as follows viz.t Feb.ry the 15 1715 Then reced of Philemon Lloyd Esq.r the sume of two pounds sterl being for the alienation Jn.o Warren Dep.ty Clk fine of the within land Recorded Feb.ry the 8.th 1715 W Fitz Redmond To all people unto whome these presents shall come Know ye that by the force and vertue of severall acts of the parliament of Great Brittain Impowering me to execute the Deputacon which I have received from (seale) the commission.rs of his Maj.tys Customes by Warrant from the Treasury I Have Nominated and Deputed Like as I Doe hereby Nominate and Depute William Stoughton Esq.r to be his Maj.tys Collector of the Customes within the District of Pocomoke in the Roome and place of the late Edward Price Deced Whereby he hath power to enter into any ship Botthom boate or other Vessell as alsoe into any shop house Ware house or other place whatsoever to Make Diligent sarch into any Trunck Chest Case Truss or any other parcell or package whatsoever for any goods Wares or Merchandize prohibitted to be Impowered or Exported or whereof the Customes and other Dutys have not been Duly payed and the same to seize to his Maj.tys use (and) |
Volume 720, Page 360 View pdf image |
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