Volume 717, Page 76 View pdf image |
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76 of the said River on the West side of the said Branch Beginning att a bounded oake of James mullikin being the Westermost Bounded tree of the said Mullikin runing downe the Branch from the said oaks for breadth southwest & by south one hundred and fifty perches to a parcell of Land layd out for Ismaell Wright Bounded on the West with the said land with a line Drawn Northwest and by West Three hundred & twenty perches bounded on the North with a line Drawn from the end of the former lyne North East and by North one hundred and fifty perches bounded on the East with a line Drawn from the end of the former lyne south East and by East for the length of Three hundred and twenty perches till it Intercepts a paralell drawn from the first bounded tree on the south with the said Branch Containing by Estimation Three hundred Acres more or lesse to have and to hold the same to him the said John Anderson & to his heyres & assignes forever under such rents Covenants Limitations and Exceptions as in and by the said deed of grant recourse being thereunto had more fully and more att large itt may and doth appeare by vertue of which deed of grant to him granted the said John Anderson was seized of an Estate in fee simple of the fore recited premisses now this Indenture wittnesseth that the above named John Anderson & Ellinor his wife for the Consideration of six Thousand pounds of Tobacco in hand paid by the within named William Morgan before the ensealing and delivery hereof whereof & wherewith the said John Anderson & Ellinor his wife doth acknowledge themselves to be fully and wholly satisfied and paid And doth of & for every part and parcell thereof acquitt & discharge the said W.m Morgan his heirs Executors & administrators by these presents have given bargained granted sold feoffed & Confirmed and doe by these presents fully and absolutely give grant Alienate Bargaine sell enfeoffe & Confirme unto the said William Morgan and to his heirs and assignes for ever all the aforesaid parcell of Land aforementioned together with all the Rights Profitts & Comodities to the said parcell of Land belonging or in any wise appertaining and alsoe all and every the pattents grants deeds evidences of and Concerning the said parcell tract or divident of Land To have & to hold the said parcell or divident of Land before by these presents Bargained and sold & every of them with their & every of their appurtenances unto him the said W.m Morgan his heirs & assignes forever to the onely proper use and behoofe of him the said William Morgan his heirs & assignes forever To Be holden of the said Lord Prop.ry by the Rent and services and under the Conditions there afore mentioned due and reserved And further the said John Anderson and Ellinor his wife the said parcell of Land with the appurtenances before by these presents bargained and sold unto him the said William Morgan doe for ever freely acquitt and discharge the same of & from all & all manner of former and other bargaines grants sales forfeitures Dowries Joyntures Surrenderr and of and from all other titles incumbrances claimes and demands of the said John Anderson & Ellinor his wife their heirs Executo.rs or assignes and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever claymeing from by or under the said John Anderson and Ellinor his wife shall and will for ever hereafter warrant & defend by these presents alsoe the said John Anderson & Ellinor his wife for themselves their heirs Executors & Adm.rs doe Covenant agree & Promise from time to time & att all times dureing the space of five yeares next ensueing the date hereof att & upon the Request and att the Cost & Charges in law of the said William Morgan his heirs or assignes make doe performe acknowledged suffer or cause to be made done performed and acknowledged all & every such further Lawfull and reasonable act & acts assureances & Conveyances in the Law for the better and more perfect suremakeing & Conveying all and singular the before hereby granted or mentioned to be granted premisses with their & every of their Rights members & appurtenances to the onely proper use & behoofe of the said William Morgan and to the heirs and assignes of the said W.m Morgan his heirs or assignes or by his or their Councell learned in the Laws shall be devised advised or required And further that they the said John Anderson & Ellinor his wife doe by these presents nominate Constitute & appoint Daniell Clarke of Dorsett County in the Province of Maryland Gentl & Stephen Garye of the said County of Dorsett in the Province |
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Volume 717, Page 76 View pdf image |
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