Volume 717, Page 75 View pdf image |
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75 heirs and assignes by these presents that he the said Thomas Tayler his heirs & Assignes George White his heirs & assignes & every of them and all and every other person & persons having or Lawfully claimeing or that hereafter shall or may have or lawfully claime any Estate right title interest or thing of in or out of the aforementioned to be hereby bargained premisses with thappurtenances or any of them or any part thereof by from or under the said Thomas Tayler & the said George White or any of them shall and will from tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter upon every reasonable request and att the Costs and Charges in the Law of the said Ann Coppin her heirs or assignes or any of them make doe acknowledge Levy suffer Execute & cause & procure to be made done acknowledged Levyed suffered and Executed all and every such farther & other Lawfull act & acts thing & things & things device & Devices assureance & assureances in the Law whatsoever for the further better and more pfect assureing suremakeing & Conveying of all and singular the aforementioned to bee hereby bargained premisses w.th Thappurtenances and every parte & parcell thereof unto the said Anne Coppin her heirs and assignes & to & for her and their owne propper use & behoofe for ever as abovesaid according to the true meaning of these presents Bee it by deed or deeds enrolled or not enrolled the acknowledging and Enrollement of these presents fyne or fynes recovery or Recoveries Feoffement release or Confirmation with Warranty according to the true meaning of these presents or otherwise without Warranty by all or any or soe many of the said wayes or meanes And in such manner & forme as by the said Anne Coppin her heirs or assignes or her or their Councell ^learned^ in the Law shall be reasonably devised or required And lastly itt is hereby Covenanted granted Declared Concluded & agreed by and between the parties to these presents that all and every fyne & fynes recoverie & recoveries Conveyance and Conveyances assureance & assureances whatsoever heretofore made acknowledged ^Levyed^ suffered or Executed or hereafter to be had made Levyed suffered or Executed of or Concerning the afore mentioned to bee hereby bargained premisses with Th'appurtenances by or between the said parties to these p.rsents or any of them or whereunto they or either of them are or shall be parties or previes And the full force Effect & Execution of the same And every of them shall be & enure & shall be had taken reputed deemed adjudged & Construed to bee & enure to & for the onely propper use & behoofe of the said Ann Coppin her heirs & assignes for ever In Wittnesse whereof the parties first above named to these present Indentures Interchangeably have stet & putt their hands and seales dated the day and yeare first above written 1678 Thomas Tailor sealed on the back side of the aforegoing Deed was thus written viz.t signed sealed & Delivered in the Presence of Memorand Octob.r the 11.th 1678 Benj.a Rozer That the within named Thomas Taylor Esq acknowledged the Gerrard Slye within written deed to bee his act & deed to the use within Geo Parker mentioned Nic Painter Cl Cur Provinciall Geo Curiven This Indenture made the ee1.th day of October in the eeeeij yeare of the Dominion of the R.t honorable Cæcilius absolute Lord & Prop.ry of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon L.d Baron of Baltemore &c.a over the said Province of Maryland Annoq Domi one Thousand six hundred seventy and Three Between John Anderson of Somersett County in the Province of Maryland sawyer and Ellinor his wife of the one party And William Morgan of the County and Province aforesaid wheel Right of the other party Witnesseth that Whereas the said Lord Baltemore by his deed of grant under the great seale used in the said Province of Maryland for granting of Land there bearing date att S.t Maries the Eighteenth day of August in the four & thirtieth yeare of the Dominion of Cæcilius &c.a Annoq Domi one Thousand six hundred sixty five did for the Consideration therein mentioned grant unto the said John Anderson a tract parcell or Divident of Land Called Andersons Neck lyeing on the East side of Chessepiake Bay in Transquakeing River in the Western Branch |
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Volume 717, Page 75 View pdf image |
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