Volume 717, Page 347 View pdf image |
347 (338 Leying on the North side of Potomack river Comonly Called or knowin by the name of Maryland Poynt bounded as followeth begining at a marked oake the bound tree of John Tompkinsons land standing neare a bluffe poynt of wood by the said river side Called Maryland poynt runing Northwest by the river side for the Lenght of one hundred Twenty and Eight perches to a marked oake standing by the river side bounding on the North with a line drawne North East into the woods for the lenght of fower hundred perches to a marked Oake on the East with a line drawne South East from y.e End of the former line untill you meete with the Exterior line of Jn.o Tompkinsons land on y.e south with the said land On the West with the said river Containeing by Estimation fower hundred Acres More or Less as in and by the same deed indented & inrolled in the provinciall Court of this province more at large appeareth by Vertue of which grant & Allienation afores.d the s.d Jn.o Askine became seazed and possessed of the said lands and Tenent Aforesaid in his demise as of fee and being soe thereof seized and possessed afterwards that is to say the day of 168 the said John Askine did make his last will and Testam.ts in writeing and therein and thereby did give and devise to y.e said Rebecca Askine the one halfe of my perssonall Estate after all my debts being paid and funerall Charges being satisfied alsoe doe give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Rebecca Askine fower hundred acres of land leying and being in Charles County Neere unto Maryland poynt to her and to her heirs to have and to hold for Ever as by the s.d will & Testam.t may appeare and whereas the said John Askine afterwards deyed leaving the said land and premisses to y.e s.d Rebecca by will as afores.d Now this Indenture further Witnesseth that y.e s.d Rebecca Dayly for & in Consideration of the sum of Twelve thousand pounds of Tobacco to her in hand paid by the said Gilbert Clark before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said Rebecca Dayly doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of Every part and parcell thereof doth Cleerly and Absolutly Acquit Exonerat and discharge him the said Gilbert Clark his Executors and Adm.rs by these presents and for divers other good Causes and Valluable Considerations them therunto Moveing have Given granted alliened bargained and sould & by these presents doe give grant allien bargaine sell Enfeofe & Confirme unto y.e s.d Gilbert Clark his heirs and assignes for Ever all that before recited tract parcell or devident Leying on y.e North side begining at a marked Oake y.e bound tree John Tompkinsons land standing neere a bluffe poynt of Woods by the said river side Called Maryland poynt runing North west by the river side for y.e lenght of one hundred Twenty & Eight perches to a marked Oake standing by y.e river side bounding on y.e North with a lyne drawne North East into y.e woods for the lenght of fower hundred perches to a Marked Oake On the East with a line drawne south East from the End of the former line untill you meet with y.e Exterior Line of Jn.o Tompkinsons land on the south with y.e s.d land on the West with y.e s.d river Conteyning by Estimation fower hundred acres more or less with all and Every the lands Tenem.ts rights Members or appurtenances to y.e same or any part or parcell thereof belonging or appertaineing Together with all Deeds Evidences pattents Grants Charters Escripts writeings and Manuments whatsoever of or Concerning the same To have and to hold y.e s.d land and p.rmisses to y.e s.d Gilbert Clark his heirs and Assignes for Ever and the s.d Rebecca Dayly doth hereby for her selfe her heirs Execut.rs Adm.rs Covenant Agree to and with y.e s.d Gilbert Clark his heirs Execut.rs and Adm.rs that she the s.d Rebecca Dayly at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery ^of these psnts^ is & standeth seized of the s.d land & premisses w.th their appurtenances a firme sure good and undefeazeable Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple & that shee hath full right and good power and lawfull Authority to grant bargaine and sell y.e same to y.e |
Volume 717, Page 347 View pdf image |
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