Volume 717, Page 346 View pdf image |
337) 346 Containeing and laid out for one hundred Acres of land be the same more or less all that tract of land Called Anderbyes begining at a marked Ceedar tree runing East and by South one hundred perches North by a lyne drawin West and by North one hundred perches on the west by a lyne drawin South from y.e End of the west and by North line to the first marked Ceedar Containeing and laid out for one hundred Acres of land be the same more or less all that tract or parcell of land Called Crafford begining at a marked Oake being the Eastermost tree of Anderbyes aforesaid runing North one hundred & sixty perches bounded on the North by a line drawin East one hundred perches on y.e East by a line Drawin South one hundred and sixty perches on the south by a line drawne west one hundred perches Containeing and laid out for one hundred Acres of land be y.e same more or less all that tract or parcell of land Called Waterford begining at the said last marked Oake and runing North East one hundred perches to a Gum Northwest from y.e said Gum one hundred and sixty perches on the west by a Line drawin southwest one hundred perches on the south by a line drawin southeast one hundred and sixty perches Containeing and laid out for one hundred acres of land be the same More or less all that Tract or parcell of land Called in Closure leying and being on the Maine branch of Turktoe begining at a white Oake runing East Two hundred and Forty perches to Turketoe branch aforesaid and with y.e said branch to Branford then West with loyds parke then with the said loyds parke to the first tree Containeing & Laid out for Three hundred Acres of land be the same more or less and all that Tract or parcell of land Called Vaughans discovery Leying on the Maine branch of Turkoloe aforesaid begining at a marked red Oake runing North Northwest forty perches then West Northwest three hundred perches then west fifty perches then South to y.e branch and with the branch to y.e first tree Containeing and laid out for fower hundred acres of land be the same more or Less all which said Tracts or parcells of land are scituate Leying and being in Talbot County aforesaid in the said province of Maryland Together with all houses out houses Edifices buildings Gardens Orchards Waies Waters Water Courses priviledges Easements Comodities hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the said bargained premisses or any of them belonging or in any wise appertaining or with them or any of them used and Enjoyed as part parcell or member of them or any of them all which said bargained premisses were in the Tenure Occupacon or possession of the said Thomas Vaughan his Tenants or assignes ^to have & to hold y.e s.d bargained premisses w.th y.r p.rmises of their appurtenances unto y.e s.d Elizabeth Spurley her Execut.rs adm.rs and assignes^ from the seven and twentieth day of February last past before the date heereof untill y.e End and Terme and for and dureing the full end & terme of six mountes from thence next Ensuing fully to be Compleated and Ended Att for and under y.e Rent of One Eare of Indian Corne payal for the said premisses dureing the said Terme if the same be lawfully Demannded in Witness whereof the parties above named to these presents Indentures Interchangeably their hands & seales have putt the day and yeare first Above Written Thomas Vaughan Sealed and delivered in presence of Geo Butler Robert Smith Grif Jones acknowledged in open Court this 3.d March 1684 This Indenture made first day of June in the Tenth years of Dom of the Right honorble Charles Absolute &c Annoq Dom one thousand six hundred Eighty five Betweene Rebecca Bayly of S.t Maries County Widdow late wife of Jn.o Askine late of the same County deed of the one parte and Gilbert Clarke of the Citty of S.t Maries gent of the other parte Witnesseth that Whereas one Phillip land of S.t Maries County planter sonne and heire of Phillip land of the same County planter by his deed indented bearing date y.e Nynth day of July in the 44.th of the Dom of Cæcilius &c for the Consideracon therein Expressed did give grant sell alien & Confirme to the said Jn.o Askine his heirs and Assignes for Ever all that Messuage or Tenem.ts of land |
Volume 717, Page 346 View pdf image |
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