Volume 717, Page 345 View pdf image |
345 (336 Absolutely seized of a firme sure and indefeazeable Estate in Fee of in and to the said bargained p.rmisses and Every of them with the appurtenances as aforesaid and hath full power good right and lawfull Authority to Convey and assure the same unto the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs and assignes for Ever And that the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs and assignes shall and may henceforth for Ever peaceably and quitely have hold occupy possess and Enjoy all and singular the said bargained premisses with Their and Every of their appurtenances (Except as before Excepted) without y.e lawfull lett trouble Deneiall Eviccon Ejesson Expulcon or Molestacon of him the said Thomas Vaughan and Susanna his wife or of his heirs or of any other person or persons whatsoever freed or otherwise well and suffitiently saved and kept harmless of and from all former guifts grants bargaines sales leases Joyntures Dowers fynes feoffm.ts Alienations post fynes statutes staple Recognizances Judgments Extents Exactions Issues Seizures titles Troubles and other Incumbrances whatsoever don or Comitted by the said Thomas Vaughan or suffred to be done lastly that he the said Thomas Vaughan And Susanna his said Wife and his heires shall and will at any time within the space of seven yeares Next Ensueing the date hereof upon the reasonable request Costs and Charges of her the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs and Assignes make doe Acknowledge Levy suffer Execute and finish all and Every such further and other Reasonab Acts or Acts thing or things Conveyances or assurances in y.e law whatsoever for the further assureing and more perfect suremakeing of the said bargained premisses with their Appurtenances unto the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs and Assignes for Ever bee the same by deed Or Deedes Enrolled or not Enrolled Enrollm.t of these p.rsents or by any other waies or meanes as the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs or assignes or her or their Councell learned in y.e lawes shall be Rasonal devised advised or required which said further or other Act or Acts thing or thinges Conveyances Or Assureances to be had and made of the said bargained premisses with their appurtenances with Warranty as aforesaid shall be and endre and shall be adjudged Expounded and Taken to be and endre to the onely proper use and behoofe of the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs and assignes for Ever and To or for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever in Witness whereof The parties above named to these p.rsent Indentures Interchangeably their hands and seales have put the day and year first above written Thomas Vaughan Memorandum that before the sealeing and delivery hereof the within Named Thomas Vaughans did seale and as his act and deed deliv to the within named Elizabeth Coursey one deed of lease of the within mentioned premisses bearing date the Twentieight day of february last past before the Date heereof for the terme of six Mounths Comencing from the seven and Twentieth day of the instant february before thereof in presence of Geo Butler Robert Smith Griff Jones This Indenture the twenty Eight day of February in the Tenth yeare of the Dominion of the right hoble Charles Absolute lord and prop.ry of the province of Maryland and Avalon lord Baron of Baltemore Annoq Domi 1684 Beetweene Thomas Vaughan of Talbot County in y.e province of Maryland aforesaid Gent of the one parte and Elizabeth Coursey of the same County and province aforesaid Widdow of the other parte Witnesseth that the said Thomas Vaughan for and in Consideracon of the sume of Five shillings to him In hand paid by the said Elizabeth Coursey before then sealeing and Delivery hereof the receipt whereof Is acknowledged by these presents hath bargained and sould and by these presents doth bargaine and sell unto the said Elizabeth Coursey her heirs and assignes for Ever all that Messuage or Tenem.t and Tract of land Called and knowin by the name of Anderbyes Addition leying and being in the said County of Talbot late in y.e Tenure occupacon or possession of the said Thomas Vaughan or his assignes begining at a Marked oake on Anderbyes Creeke and runing North one hundred and sixty perches then west one hundred perches then south one hundred and sixty perches then East to y.e first marked Tree |
Volume 717, Page 345 View pdf image |
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