Volume 717, Page 152 View pdf image |
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143 152 Maryland fs Know all men by these presents that I Timothy Tracy of the County of Saint Maryes in the Province aforesaid Planter doe assigne sell and sett over unto John Barnes of the Citty of S.t Maryes Inholder one man servant Called John Ward who hath from the day of the date hereof twenty two moneths to serve to the Compleating and finishing of the time of services I the said Timothy doe assigne over unto the said John Barnes all my Right title and Interest of the said John Ward To have & to hold the said John Ward to him the said John Barnes or his assignes dureing the tearme aforesaid Wittness my hand & seale the Third day of January Annoq Domini 1679 signum Test Daniell Carnell Timothy T Tracy sealed John Burdett This Indenture the Twelfth day of January in the fifth yeare of the Dominion of Charles absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c Betweene William Gwyther of Saint Helens in the County of Saint Maryes Gent of the one part and Elizabeth DaCosta late of the same place & County of the other part Wittnesseth That the said William for and in consideracon of the summe of five Thousand pounds of tobacco to him in hand paid whereof and whereunto he acknowledgeth himselfe so be fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof and every part and parcell thereof doth hereby Exonerate acquitt and discharge The said Elizabeth DaCosta her heyres Executo.rs and Administrators Hath given granted bargained sould Aliened Enfeofed and Confirmed and by these p.rsents doth hereby Give Grant Bargaine sell Alien Enfeofe and Confirme unto the said Elizabeth all that Messuage or Tenement called Hogg Necke Parcell of Saint Jeromes Freehold where the said Eliz.a DaCosta now liveth in Saint Jeromes aforesaid Bounded on the south with the Land lately by the said within sold to Robert Mason of S.t Michells Hundred in the County aforesaid And beginning at the marked bounder Tree of the said Robert standing by the Pond side which lyeth betweene the house of the said Willm and the houses of Thomas Griffin and Elias Beach and runing by the said Pond up to the mouth of Little Run or branch that falls into the said Pond from the Path way that leads from Saint Helens aforesaid up to that part of Saint Elizabeths Manno.r where John Baker lives and from thence by the winding of the said Runne up to the said Path and from that Path by the windeings of the said Runne up to the head line of the said freehold and then by the said Headline till it intersect the Line of Marked Trees of the said Robert Mason Containeing by Estimacon two hundred acres be it more or lesse Together with all houses Edifices Buildings Orchards Fences Woods Underwoods to the said Tenement Called Hogge Neck Belonging or appertaineing and all other Profitts Benefitts & Emoluments ariseing and accrueing or hereafter to arise or Accrue out of the said Lands or any the afore granted premisses To have and to hold the said Lands houses Edifices buildings Orchards Fences Woods Underwoods and all other the afore granted premisses to her the said Elizabeth DaCosta and her heyres and assignes for ever Cleere and free and Cleerly and freely Exonerated and discharged from all singular or any former Bargaines Sales Judgments rents charges rents arreares of rents or other Incumbrances by him the said Willm had made suffered or done Yeilding and paying to the said Willm his heyres and assignes yearely and every yeare at the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord the full and Just quantity of two Bushells of sheld Indian Corne if Lawfully demanded upon the afore granted Premises And the said Willm Gwyther for him his heyres Executo.rs and Administrators doth Covenant grant to and with the said Elizabeth DaCosta her heyres and assignes that he the said Willm the aforementioned messuage or Tenement Called hogg necke with all the aforegranted premises to her the said Elizabeth and her heyres & assignes will for ever warrant against him the said Willm and his heyres and against any and all persons Claiming by from or Under him them or any of them In wittnes whereof the partyes to these Present Indentures have Interchangeably sett their hands & seales the day and yeare first above written |
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Volume 717, Page 152 View pdf image |
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