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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4406   View pdf image
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easterly side of Kelly Avenue thence leaving said
corporate limit line and binding on the easterly side of
Kelly Avenue the following three courses:

1. Binding on the lands of George D. Waters
and Albert Light north 48 degrees 0 4 minutes 3 0 seconds
west 201.16 feet to the lands of Lester B. Staley and
wife, thence binding on the aforesaid Staley lands, south
35 degrees 45 minutes west 10.06 feet, thence north 48
degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds west 100.58 feet to a point
on present corporate limits said point being also the
northwesterly corner of the Staley lands, thence with
said corporate limits and crossing Kelly Avenue south 35
degrees 45 minutes west 20.19 feet to the beginning,
containing 0.185 of an acre more or less.

WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Bel Air own in fee
simple the real property to be annexed and consent to its
annexation and consent to the enlargement of the
corporate boundaries of the Town by such annexation
(there being no residents or voters registered in County
elections living in the area to be annexed).

WHEREAS, the Town of Bel Air has caused to be made a
verification that no persons reside in such area and that
the persons consenting to annexation are the owners of at
least twenty—five percent (25%) of the assessed valuation
of the real property located in the area sought to be

WHEREAS, it appears that the consents meet all the
requirements of law.

Commissioners of Bel Air, That the corporate boundaries
of the Town of Bel Air be and the same are hereby
enlarged by adding or annexing thereto the area
contiguous to and adjoining the present corporate
boundaries as particularly described in the aforesaid
title to this Resolution;


conditions and circumstances applicable to the change     in

the said corporate boundaries and to the residents of   the
property in the area so annexed are as follows:

(a) that the persons residing in the area to be
annexed and the owners of all property therein shall be
generally subject to the provisions of the Charter of the
Town of Bel Air, without special treatment as to rates of
the municipal tax, or as to municipal services and
facilities, except that they shall not be subject to real
estate taxes levied for the year July 1, 1974 to June 30,
1975 by the Town of Bel Air, paying in lieu thereof such


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4406   View pdf image
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