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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4405   View pdf image
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A.         The Bed of Boulton Street outside the
corporate limits beginning for the same at a stone now
set at the end of the sixth or north 52 degrees 48
minutes 35 seconds west 288,37 feet line of the area
annexed by Resolution No. 21 of the Commissioners of Bel
Air dated September 12, 1966, thence with present
corporate limits and binding on the land of Harford
County Fair Association (1) north 52 degrees 47 minutes
31 seconds west, as now surveyed, 117.55 feet to a pipe
set at the westerly side of the right of way of Boulton
Street, thence leaving said present corporate limits and
running with the westerly side of Boulton Street and
binding on the lands of Friedrich H. Kelly (to be
conveyed to the Commissioners of Harford County) (2)
north 81 degrees 38 minutes 04 seconds east 41.99 feet to
a pipe, thence (3) north 36 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds
east 576.57 feet to a pipe set on the present corporate
limits at the southwesterly corner of lot 1, Block L of
Howard Park Subdivision, said pipe being 61.67 feet from
the southerly end of the sixth or south 40 degrees 34
minutes east line of the area annexed by aforesaid
Resolution No. 13, thence with present corporate limits
and crossing Boulton street with aforesaid sixth line (4)
south 40 degrees 34 minutes east 61.67 feet to the
easterly side of Boulton Street, thence with present
corporate limits and easterly side of Boulton Street (5)
south 36 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds west 68.05 feet as
now surveyed to a concrete monument set at the
northwesterly corner of the lands formerly owned by
Werner Buchal, thence (6) south 36 degrees 02 minutes 45
seconds east 495.43 feet to a pipe in the bed of Boulton
Street, thence south 08 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds
east 42.85 to the place of beginning containing 1.09
acres, more or less.

B.         The Bed of Kelly Avenue outside the present
corporate limits beginning for the same at a point on the
present corporate limits of the Town of Bel Air, said
point being the southerly end of the thirteenth of south
48 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds east 161,99 foot line of
the first 1951 addition to the Town of Bel Air, said
point being also on the line of the lands of Glen C.
Deaton and the westerly right of way line of Kelly Avenue
and running for an extension of aforesaid thirteenth line
and binding on the lands of Glen C. Deaton, south 48
degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds east 301.64 feet to a point
on the northerly side of U.S. Business Route No. 1, said
point being also on the present corporate limits of the
Town of Bel Air on the fourth or south 35 degrees 47
minutes 45 seconds west 1463.69 feet line of Area No. 15
annexed by Resolution No. 21; thence, reversely with said
line and binding in the northerly side of U.S. Business
Route No. 1 and the present corporate limits north 35
degrees 47 minutes 45 seconds east 30.18 feet to the


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4405   View pdf image
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