[Ch. 892
not now exist provision of law or ordinance designating
an administrative official by whom building permits are
to be issued, the appropriate District Council shall
designate [such] THIS official. No act, ordinance, or
regulation issued under the authority of this Article
(shall require] REQUIRES the approval by the Commission
of any building permit in Montgomery County, and any
acts, ordinances, or regulations inconsistent herewith
are repealed to the extent of (such] THE inconsistency[;
Provided, however, that]. HOWEVER, in Montgomery County,
all building permit applications shall be referred to the
Commission for review and recommendations as to zoning
(b) A District Council may provide in its zoning
regulations for the issuance of use and occupancy permits
and for certificates by means of which zoning questions
may be raised prior to the preparation of all [such]
structural specifications of a building as may be
required for a complete building permit.
[99.] 8-121.
The construction, reconstruction, erection,
structural alteration, or use of any building or other
structure or the use of land or premises in violation of
any of the provisions of this [subheading] TITLE or of
any of the provisions of any regulation enacted under
this [subheading] TITLE or of any decision made under
this [subheading] TITLE, is a misdemeanor. The willfull
issuance of a building, use, or occupancy permit in
violation of any such provision or decision is a
misdemeanor. The County Council of Montgomery County,
the County Commissioners of Prince George's County, or
the prosecuting official of either of the counties may
prosecute any [such] violation. In addition to all
other remedies provided by law, said County Council and
said County Commissioners, public officials of any
municipality or political subdivision within the Regional
District, or any neighboring property owner or occupant
may institute injunction, mandamus, or other appropriate
action or proceeding to prevent [such] THE unlawful
construction, reconstruction, erection, alteration, or
use. Any court of competent jurisdiction has
jurisdiction to issue restraining orders and temporary or
permanent injunctions or mandamus or other appropriate
forms of remedy or relief.
[100.] 8-122.
In Prince George's County, the record of every
hearing on a map amendment or special exception shall
recite the vote or abstention from voting of each member
of the District Council, stated separately, or the fact