that [such] THE member was absent.
[101.] 8-123.
In Prince George's County, all witnesses appearing
in a hearing before the District Council [shall be] ARE
subject to cross—examination[; provided, however,].
HOWEVER, the District Council may establish reasonable
rules and procedures governing both the cross—examination
and the administering of oaths to witnesses appearing to
testify at District Council hearings, after first
conducting a public hearing on [said] THE rules and
[102.3 8-124.
In Prince George's County, no application for a map
amendment or special exception, which is contested,
[shall] MAY be granted or denied except upon written
findings of basic facts and written conclusions.
[103.3 8-125.
In Prince George's County, [whoever] IF the
District Council disapproves, in whole or in part, an
application for a map amendment, it [shall] MAY not
entertain a subsequent application respecting the same
land or any portion thereof within [eighteen] 18 months
from the date of the first disapproval, and [twenty—four]
24 months from the date of the second or further
disapproval. As used in this section, date of
disapproval means the date upon which the District
Council announces its decision, or, in the event of
appellate review, the date upon which the Circuit Court
announces its decision. In any subsequent application
respecting the same land or any portion thereof, for the
same zoning classification or the same special exception
purpose, by the same applicant or applicants, the
District Council [shall] MAY not base its findings solely
upon any fact or circumstance which was presented at the
earlier hearing.
[104.1 8-126.
The Park and Planning Commission [is hereby
prohibited from acquiring] MAY NOT ACQUIRE new land for
the purpose of constructing an administration building or
using land already held by that Commission for the same
purpose without the prior approval of the County
Executive and County Council of Prince George's County
and the County Executive and County Council of Montgomery
County, acting jointly.