Volume 703, Page 257 View pdf image |
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257. Robert Davidge his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them shall nor will not cause Procure or suffer to be made or Opened any Gut or Guts water Passage or Run of Water to or from out of or into the said Creek called fishing Creek to or from out of or into Chesapeak Bay or South River Provided always and it is the true intent and meaning of these Presents that nothing herein Contained shall extend or be Construed to extend to Prevent the said Robert Davidge his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns or any of them from cutting any Drains of Water for the Conveniency of Draining any part of his or their Low Meadow Lands That if at any Time hereafter that Parcell of Ground or Beach of Sand commonly called and known by the name of ^the^ Haulover ^lying on the North East side of the said Fishing Creek and which Divides the said Creek from Chesapeak Bay or any Part Portion or Parcel thereof shall be or happen to be Overflowed or the Waters of the said ^Creek or^ Bay should cause make or Force a ^Passage^ Gutt Inlett or Outlett through on or over the said Beach of Sand called the Haulover^ or any Gut Breach Passage Inlett or Outlett by any manner of Way or Means whatsoever shall be made on over or through the said Beach of Sand called the Haulover or any Part thereof that then and in such Case is shall and may be Lawfull for the said Cornelius Garretson and Nathaniel Waters or either of them their or either of their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns or any of them upon the discovery thereof or any Time or Times they or either ^or any^ of them may Judge Proper and Convenient at their own Proper Cost and Charge repair Stop fill up or Otherwise secure such Gutt Breach Passage inlet or Out lett hereafter made or happening to be made or caused through on or over the said Breach of Sand called the Haulover as aforesaid And that he the said Robert Davidge his Heirs Executors Administrators Assigns and all and every Person lawfully Claiming or which shall or may Lawfully Claim any Estate Right Title or Interest of in or to the before Demised Premisses shall and will at any Time before or after the expiration of the said Term of ninety nine Years hereby Demised at the request Cost and Charge of them the said Cornelius Garretson and Nathaniel Waters or either of them their or either of their Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns and upon their or either of their Payment of the sum of five shillings Sterling Money to the said Robert Davidge his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns at one intire Payment for and in the Name of a Fine make execute and Acknowledge a new Lease to the said Cornelius Garretson and Nathaniel Waters their Executors Administrators or Assigns of the said hereby Demised Premisses for (the) |
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Volume 703, Page 257 View pdf image |
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