Volume 703, Page 22 View pdf image |
22. Maryland and Acknowledged the within Indenture to be his Act and Deed and the within Land and Premisses to be the right and Estate of the within named Richard Yates his Heirs and Assigns for Ever Geo Steuart Receivd this fifth day of July 1763 of Richard Yates the sum of Eighty five pounds Current Money of Maryland being the Consideration Expresst for the within Deed Witness Gaither Sympson Geo Steuart W.m Reynolds July 5.th 1763 Received of M.r Richard Yates Eight Shillings Sterling for the Use of the Lord Baltimore being the Alienation Fine on the within Two hundred Acres of Land by Virtue of a Commission from Edward Lloyd Esq.r his s.d Lordships Agent and receiver General Benj.a Beall Recorded the 5th day of July 1763 8 s.d Exam.d This Indenture made this Ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & sixty three Between Charles Hammond Jun.r Executors of the last Will & Testament of Philip Hammond late of Ann Arundel County Esquire deceased of the one part And John Hammond of the County aforesaid Barrister at Law of the other part Whereas the Said Philip by Deed of Purchase from a Certain John Summerland duly Executed Acknowledged and recorded in Ann Arundel County Land Records Liber R B N.o 2 f 303 & 304 (Reference unto the same being had may appear) became in his Life Time lawfully Estated & Possessed of & in the following Stream of Water Water Mill and Twenty Acres of Condemned Land belonging there unto lying and being situate on Severn River in the County aforesaid and Beginning for the Bounds and Courses thereof at a Bounded Chesnut Tree standing on the North side of said run and running thence North Forty Degrees West Fifty Six Perches and a half thence south Fifty Degrees West fifty six perches & a half thence South Forty degrees East fifty six perches & a half thence by a streight line to the first beginning Containing and laid out for Twenty Acres of Land more or less which said Land on a Writ of Adquod Damnum sued out of the Chancery Court and an Inquisition taken & returned thereupon into the same was granted agreably with the Act of Assembly in such Case made & provided (as Referrence unto the said grant recorded in the Chancery Records Liber I R N.o 5 f 27 may also appear |
Volume 703, Page 22 View pdf image |
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