Volume 702, Page 137 View pdf image |
137) Against the Said Hancock Lee and for the said Hancock Lee to recover over in Value against the Said Richard Smith and Phillip Darnall and for the Said Richard Smith and Phillip Darnall to recover over in Value against the Common Vouchee according to the Manor and form of Common Recoveries in Such Cases used and it is further Covenanted granted Concluded agreed and Declared by and between the said Parties to these Presents and the true Intent and meaning of the Parties to these Presents is that from and immediately after the Said Common Recovery or Recoveries ^shall be had prosecuted or suffered is aforesaid of the said premises the Recovery or Recoveries^ aforesaid shall be and enure and shall be contrued Esteemed Adjudged and taken to be and enure and are hereby declared to have been intended to be and enure that the Said Hancock Lee and all and every Person and Persons which shall be Seized of the premises by force or Virtue of the said Common Recovery or Recoveries shall stand and be Seized thereof with the Appurtenances to the only use and Behoof of the Said Richard Smith and his heirs and assigns forever and to no other use intent or Purpose whatsoever In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto Sett their hands and Seals the day and year first above Written Sealed and Delivered Sam.l Wilson Seal in Presence of R Smith Seal Benj.a Young H Darnall Philip Darnall jun.r Seal Hancock Lee Seal On the back of the aforegoing Release was thus indorst Viz.t Received the day and year within Mentioned of and from the within named Hancock Lee the Sum of five shillings sterling it being for the Consideration Money therein mentioned Witness R Smith 8 sides 1/2 Philip Darnall jun.r Recorded Sep.r 28.th 1757 |
Volume 702, Page 137 View pdf image |
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