Volume 701, Page 666 View pdf image |
666) Enfeoff and Confirm unto the said Laurence Hammond and his heirs all that part of a Tract of Land Called Harborough lying on the south side of Patapsico River in Ann Arundell County Beginning at a Slipt White Oake Sapling Standing north Sixty Nine Degrees and one quarter of a Degree west Two hundred Perches from the second bounded tree of the aforesaid Land Called Harborough Then North and by East to Patapsco River then bounding on and with the said River ^and^ Calloways Cove, to a Double water oake, by the Cove side, marked with fore notches on each tree which said Trees stands three perches above the said Hammonds Spring; Then south fifty Eight Degrees west Cross the afs.d Calloways Coves hear, Twenty one perches, then South sixteen Degrees west Twelve perches, then south thirteen Degrees East Eighteen perches, then south thirty Degrees west Twenty perches then south five Degrees west five perches then south fourty Two Degrees west Ten perches, then south seven Degrees west untell it Intersects the North Sixty nine Degrees, and one quarter of a Degree west line of the aforesaid land Called Harborough, then with the said line to the beginning or slipt Saplin, and all and singular, the Houses Buildings Orchards and Gardens to the same belonging and also the Reversion, and Reversions Remainder and Remainders, Right, Estate, Interest, Benefit, Claim and Damand whatsoever of him the said John Griness Howard of in and to all and singular the said Premisses and of in and to every part and parcell thereof To have and to hold the said Land and all and singular the said Premisses herein before mentioned and Intended to be hereby granted with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said Laurance Hammond his heirs and assigns for ever to the only use and Behoof of the said Laurance Hammond his heirs and assigns for ever more And the said John Grenes Howard for himself and his heirs the said Tract of Land and all and singular other the Premisses with their, and every of their appurtenances unto him the said Laurance Hammond his heirs and assigns against him the said John Grenis Howard his heirs and assigns and all persons |
Volume 701, Page 666 View pdf image |
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