Volume 700, Page 73 View pdf image |
73) and a Quarter East twenty two P.s then East Seventy five P.s then North thirty P.s then West North West one hundred & Sixteen P.s then North North East sixty seven P.s then North twenty Degrees West four hundred and fifty P.s then South West two hundred & forty four P.s then South ten Degrees West three hundred & twenty P.s then South thirty four Degrees East two hundred & fifteen P.s to Thomas Gist Bound Tree marked T C Standing in the given Line af.d of the said Tract and then with a Streight Line to the beginning Containing four hundred and twenty Seven Acres together with all Buildings Improvements proffits and advantages whatsoever to all & singular the said recited Lands and premisses and every part and parcell thereof belonging or appertaining To have & to hold the said Severall Tracts parts of Tracts and parcells of Land and premisses and every part & parcell thereof to him the said Robert North his heirs & assigns for ever to his & their own proper use & behoof and to none other and the said Christopher Gist and Nathaniel Gist for themselves & their heirs do Covenant & agree to & with the said Robert North his heirs and assigns that they the said Christopher Gist and Nathaniel Gist have good right and absolute and Lawfull authority to Sell & Convey all & Singular the premisses with the appurtenances to the said Robert North his heirs and assigns and that they the said Christopher Gist & Nathaniel Gist & their heirs all & Singular the Bargained ^Premisses^ with the appurtenances to the said Robert North his heirs and assigns for ever against all persons and Incumbrances whatsoever will Warrant & for ever Defend and the said Christopher Gist & Nathaniel Gist do further Covenant & agree for themselves and their heirs & with the said Robert North his heirs & assigns that they the said Christopher Gist and (Nathaniel) |
Volume 700, Page 73 View pdf image |
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