Volume 699, Page 34 View pdf image |
34) the said Will.m Woodward & Mary Holmes or the Survivor of them or the Heirs of Such Survivors should by himself herself or themselves make Sale of the said real Estate for the best price that Could reasonably be had or obtained for the same Which Monies so to be raised by Such Sale were directed by the said last Will & Testament to be divided amongst the Persons mentioned in Such Will for that Purpose As by the same last Will and Testament relation being hereunto had made more at large appear Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said Elizabeth Gin in her own right And the said William Woodward & Mary Holmes in Execution of the Trust af.d & Pursuant to the aforesaid Testament and last Will and for and in Consideration of the Sum of Sixty Pounds and Eighteen Shillings Ster Money of Great Britain in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said John Andrews before the Sealing & Delivery of these Presents Have Granted bargained sold aliened Enfeoffed & Confirmed & by these Presents do Grant bargain sell alien Enfeoffe & Confirm unto the said John Andrews his Heirs & Assignes for Ever All that Tract or Parcell of Land Called Maidens Fancy lying in Prince Georges County on the North branch of a River Called Patuxent River (Except that part thereof which a Certain Seth Hyat is Intituled to Containing about one hundred & fifty Acres Beginning at a bound White Oak Standing at the Mouth of a branch known by the Name of Isinglass branch South forty Degrees Westerly One hundred Perches to a bound White Oak thence West South West Eighty & Eight Perches then West twenty Degrees Southerly Eighty Seven perches to a four Notched Hiccory South five Degrees Westerly One hundred twenty Eight Perches to a bound Oak thence South East by South thirty six Perches to a bound Hiccory thence East five Degrees Southerly twenty Perches North North East Sixty two Perches to a bound poplar thence South East One hundred Eighty & Six Perches to a four Notched Oak thence East & by South twenty four Perches North East & by North Ninety Six Perches to an Oak Saplin thence North forty Degrees Easterly Eighty Perches South fifty two Degrees Easterly twenty & four Perches East North East Seventy two Perches to a bound Poplar thence South East forty Six Perches thence North twenty & five degrees Westerly three hundred & Eleven Perches to the af.d River thence bounding on & with the said River with a direct line to the first Tree Containing & laid out for five hundred & Eighty Acres more or less with all and singular houses Outhouses & other the Appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining To have & to hold the Same & Every Part and Parcell thereof (Except as before Excepted) with all & Singular the Houses out houses & Appurtenances af.d unto the said John Anderson his Heirs & Assignes for Ever And the said Elizabeth Gin William Woodward & Mary Holmes do hereby for themselves and Every of them their & Every of their heirs Executors Administrators & Assignes Covenant Promise Grant & Agree to & with the said John Andrews his Heirs & Assignes that they the said William Woodward Mary Holmes & Elizabeth Gin their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes the said Land & Premisses (hereby) |
Volume 699, Page 34 View pdf image |
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