MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 363
Each principal department shall be headed by a Secretary who shall
be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the
Senate and who shall serve at the Governor's pleasure, unless other-
wise provided by law. Each Secretary shall be selected on the basis
of his professional and administrative knowledge and experience and
shall have such additional qualifications as may be further provided
in law. He shall receive such salary and have such assistants, em-
ployees, and professional consultants as may be provided in the
budget, unless otherwise provided by law, within his assigned juris-
diction. He shall be responsible for establishing policy to be
followed by the departments, offices and other units of the State
shall be responsible for the efficient and orderly administra-
tion of the department. He shall be responsible for the com-
prehensive planning of programs and services within his juris-
diction and for reviewing and approving the plans of all departments
and other units of the State Government within his jurisdiction. He
shall be responsible for the budget of his office and for the budgets
of each Department, or other units of the State Government within
his jurisdiction. He shall be responsible for the organization of his
office and for recommending to the Governor changes in the organi-
zation and placement of units of the State Government within his
jurisdiction. He shall have authority to appoint officers and em-
ployees in his office as provided in the budget and may review any
personnel action taken by any units of the State Government within
his jurisdiction. He may create such CITIZEN advisory bodies as
HE DEEMS NECESSARY FOR the operation of his department
may require and shall recommend to the Governor the ANY modifica-
tion, abolition, and transfer of advisory bodies within his jurisdiction.
The Secretary of each principal department created by law shall
have full authority and responsibility for the promulgation of all
rules and regulations for all Departments and other instrumentalities
within his jurisdiction, except as otherwise provided by law. Rules
and regulations in force on June 30, 1969, shall continue until such
time as they may be altered or abolished under provisions of this
Unless otherwise provided by law, for each principal department
created and headed by a Secretary, there shall be created a Board of
Review of seven persons appointed by the Governor, WITH THE
which Board shall hear appeals from decisions of departments or agen-
cies included within the Secretarial Departments. The terms of office,
compensation, and manner of appointment and removal of the mem-
bers of each Board of Review, and the extent of its jurisdiction to hear
appeals, shall be as provided by law.
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