Secretary or his designee, subject to the Governor's approval, shall
represent the State in such units and shall coordinate the States' par-
ticipation in such units.
Existing governmental units assigned to principal departments
shall continue to exercise all powers, duties and responsibilities as-
signed to them by law at the time of their transfer to a principal
department except as may be otherwise provided by law at or after
the time of such transfer.
The heads of departments and offices, not recognized by law as
principal departments, who are in the classified service or who hold
their positions other than at the Governor's pleasure shall continue
such status at FROM the time their respective departments or offices
are placed in a principal department, until and unless such status is
specifically changed by law.
The Secretary of each principal department, and the head of each
department, office or other unit of the State Government who serves
at the Governor's pleasure, shall, if removed by the Governor from
office for reasons other than misconduct, incompetency, or neglect
of duty, be compensated at the time of removal from office in the
amount equal to three months salary.
The Secretary of each principal department and, the head of each
department, office or other unit of the State Government who serves
SERVING at the Governor's pleasure, shall, at the time of taking
office, have immediate vesting rights in the State Retirement Systems.
The Heads of Departments shall devise a practical and working
basis for cooporation and coordination of work, eliminating duplica-
tion and overlapping of functions. They shall, so far as practicable,
cooperate with each other in the employment of services and the use
of quarters and equipment. The Heads of Departments [shall] may
devise plans for organizing from the clerical and stenographic help
of the divisions under them a central or departmental force of clerks
and stenographers whose services may be availed of by any of such
divisions as needed, to the end that the clerical and stenographic
forces in each of the said divisions may be reduced to the minimum
The heads of the principal departments shall, under the direction
of the Governor, be responsible for the coordination of programs and
activities within and between principal departments for the elimi-
nation and prevention of duplication and overlapping of programs,
activities, and services within and among their respective depart-
ments. They shall be responsible for proposing, for the Governor's
approval, plans for centralizing and coordinating administrative