J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 485
(b) Upon receipt of the petition the State Aviation Commission,
shall make a written finding of fact addressed to the Board of Public
Works in the form of a recommendation to that Board advising it
which of the requests for financial assistance made by any of the
counties, municipalities or by the City of Baltimore should be allowed
and which should be denied. In making the finding of fact the State
Aviation Commission shall, at the request of the Board of Public
Works, determine a priority of need for airports or airport facilities
as between any one or more counties or municipalities and the City
of Baltimore. No grant of financial assistance shall be made until
such grant has been finally ratified and approved by the Board of
Public Works which shall certify the allocation of State funds to the
Treasurer of the State who shall make them available to the County
or municipality or the City of Baltimore when needed for projects
hereunder. The decision of the Board of Public Works shall be made
in such form as the Board deems advisable and proper and it shall
be final and conclusive upon all parties concerned.
(c) Each of the counties, municipalities, and the City of Balti-
more whose request for financial assistance has been allowed, as
provided in paragraph (b) of this section, shall execute and acknowl-
edge in a manner according to law an agreement which shall specify
that: The amount of financial assistance allowed, as provided herein,
together with interest and carrying charges, shall be repaid to the
State under such terms and conditions as may be required by regula-
tions of the State Aviation Commission and approved by the Board
of Public Works. If any of the counties, municipalities and the City
of Baltimore do not make, as due, all such payments for financial
assistance, as provided herein, of principal, interest, and carrying
charges, the Comptroller of the Treasury shall make all such payments
of principal, interest and carrying charges as due and shall deduct
these payments from any funds then or thereafter due to that county,
municipality or City of Baltimore from any funds then or thereafter
due to that political subdivision under applicable provisions of State
law relating to the income tax, the tax on racing, the recordation tax,
the tax on amusements and the license tax.
(d) The agreement described in paragraph (c) of this section
shall be signed on behalf of the State of Maryland by the State
Aviation Commission, and shall be approved by the Board of Public
(e) The governing body of each of the counties, municipalities
and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore are hereby authorized
and empowered to enter into any and all contracts or agreements
required under the terms of this act, or which may be required by
regulations duly promulgated by the State Aviation Commission or
the Board of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of this act,
any other provisions of public general law or of public local law
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved April 8, 1965.