(House Bill 276)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 5 of
Chapter 117 of the Laws of the State of Maryland of 1964, to
provide that proceeds from the sale of certificates evidencing the
State loan known as the "Airport Development Program and Con-
struction Loan of 1964" may be expended for the construction,
improvement and development of certain airports and airport
facilities located outside the State of Maryland.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 5 of Chapter 117 of the Laws of the State of Maryland
of 1964 be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:
That the actual cash proceeds from the sale of certificates of in-
debtedness to be issued under this act shall be paid to the Treasurer
of the State upon the warrant of the Comptroller, and such proceeds
shall be used exclusively for the following purposes:
1. The Comptroller shall immediately upon the sale and the pay-
ment for said certificates, first, return to and credit to the treasury
for a sum equivalent to the amount expended, as provided in Section
4 of this act.
2. The remainder of the proceeds of said loan shall be credited
on the books of the State Treasury Department to be expended for
the construction, improvement and development of such airports
and airport facilities located inside or outside the State of Maryland
[in any of the counties or municipalities in the State or by the City
of Baltimore], including the acquisition of such property as may be
required in connection therewith, (1) which qualify for federal
assistance under the Federal Airport Act of 1946, as amended; (2)
for which federal participation shall not exceed fifty percentum
(50%) of the cost thereof and the participation of the State of
Maryland under this act shall not exceed twenty-five percentum
(25%) of the cost thereof; and (3) which are publicly owned,
operated, and controlled by any of the counties or municipalities of
the State of Maryland or by the City of Baltimore. The participation
of the State of Maryland under this act shall be granted only for
projects or any part or item thereof which qualify for federal assist-
ance under the Federal Airport Act of 1946, as amended. Such
proceeds shall be expended upon the following terms and conditions:
(a) Whenever any one or more counties, municipalities or the
City of Baltimore desires to participate in the financial assistance
which is provided for under the terms and conditions of this act, the
governing body of each of the counties, or municipalities, or the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, thereof shall file a petition
with the State Aviation Commission with such information as the
State Aviation Commission shall require together with preliminary
plans for each project for which financial assistance is requested.