Whereas, This program can reduce many of the social and eco-
nomic problems of the State that will in the end save money in
welfare costs, crime and juvenile delinquency costs; now, therefore,
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this matter
be referred to the Taxation and Fiscal Affairs Committee for study.
It is recommended and suggested that the Committee devise some
sort of equalization formula similar to the educational formula now
in effect, authorizing the State of Maryland to contribute financial
aid to its own poverty areas to enable them to raise the requisite
50% share qualifying them for participation under the Economic
Opportunity Act; and be it further
Resolved, That the Taxation and Fiscal Affairs Committee report
back to the General Assembly by January, 1966, suggesting legisla-
tion to accomplish the purpose as stated if it is feasible to do so.
Approved May 4, 1965.
No. 14
(Senate Joint Resolution 23)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Congress of the United States
of America to appropriate funds necessary for the planning and
construction of an inland waterway between the Delaware Bay
and the Chesapeake Bay with an alternate route by way of Poco-
moke River.
Whereas, Constant competition between the many ports of the
United States for the foreign trade of the nation has resulted in
certain extensive waterway projects; and
Whereas, Shipping trade and commerce would be greatly stimu-
lated by the creation of an inland waterway between the Delaware
Bay and the Chesapeake Bay with an alternate route by way of the
Pocomoke River; and
Whereas, Joint Resolution No. 11 of the Maryland Laws of 1960,
copies of which were sent to certain members of the United States
Congress, urged the Congress of the United States and the United
States Army Engineers to cooperate in such a development of a
system of inland waterways; and
Whereas, The planning and construction of such a project will
require financing by the Federal Government, now, therefore be it
Resolved, That the General Assembly of Maryland request the
Congress of the United States to appropriate funds necessary for
the planning and construction of an inland waterway between the
Delaware Bay and the Chesapeake Bay with an alternate route by
way of the Pocomoke River; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent to the Presi-
dent of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the House of Repre-
sentatives, each member of the Maryland Delegation to the United
States Congress and to Congressman Thomas N. Downing of the