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upon him the sd Edwd Chetham his Heires and assignes forever to his
or Construction whatsoever; In Wittness whereof the Parties above named
year ffirst above Written
[illegible] Deed as follows
Loyd came & acknowledge James Loyd {seal}
ye uses within menconed
Lumley Clk
anno Domi 1705 Betweene Edwd Chetham of Kent C:ty in the Province
C:ty in the Province af:sd Planter and Esther his wife on the other part
the full and just sum of Nine Thousand Pounds of Tobacco to him in hand
Hynson doth hereby acknowledge and confess; and thereof, and of every p[art?]
sd Edwd Chetham his Heirs Exrs and administrs
and Every of them by
thereunto moveing he the sd Richd Hynson by and with the Consent and
prsets and signeing and sealing the same, Hath granted, Bargained and
fully ffreely and absolutely, Grant, bargaine, sell aliene, Efeoffe and
Hundred Acres of Land, Lyeing and being in Kent C:ty: Chester river the one
own by the name of the Beginning formerly laid out for Wm Tilhman Gent
being purchased of sd Francis Shepherd by Hugh Johnson of the sd
gining at the middle of the North Line of the af:sd Thousand Acres att
prches to a marked white oake; Then South Two Hundred and ffifty prches
and ffifty prches to the first bounded tree; Containeing and Laid out for
outhouses Tobacco houses, Orchards, Gardens, woods, underwoods Timber and
purtenances whatsoever to the sd parcle of Land belonging or in any wise
of all nd singular the said prmises, and all Deeds, Pattents Evidences
To have and to hold the said parcle of Land and all and singular the
confirmed unto the sd Edwd Chetham his Heires and assignes forever,
former gifts, grants bargaines, sales, Leases, forfeitures Joyntures Surrenders,
and arrearages of rent, the rents and seizures which henceforth shall become
and foreprized; and the sd Richd Hynson doth for himselfe and his
assignes, and every of them by these prsts in manner and forme following, That
all times forever hereafter, shall and may quietly and peaceably have, hold, use,
of their appurtenances without the Lott, Suite, trouble, or disturbance of him
whatsoever; Claimeing or to Claime by from, or under him, or any of them
of persons whatsoever; as alsoe all the Estate, right, Title or Interest, Claime
or to the aforebargained prmises with the appurtenances are and hereby
Hieres and assignes for ever, to his and their only proper use and behoofe
whereof the parties above named have hereunto Interchangeably sett their
Richd Hynson {seal}
Esther [mark] Hynson {seal}
the Backside as followeth vizt
open Court the within named Richd Hynson
and for the uses therein menconed
sd Richd Hynson and being examined according to Law
was sold and conveyed wth her ffree will and consent
renounced all her right, Title, and Interest of the
might be Entered upon record
Lumley Clk Com Kt