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Comegyes his attorney and Peter Massey and Sarah his wife and their
all times hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the proper Cost
his heires or assignes make such other or further assurance or
assurance surety and suremakeing of the same unto the said Richard
any other wayes or meanes in the Law; as the said Richard
in the Law shall devise advise and require In Wittness
ably hereunto sett their hands & seales the Day and year ffirst
Peter {seal} Massey
Sarah {seal} Massy
was Endorsed on the backside as followeth vizt
before us Edward Blay & Wmn Pearce Two of her
for the County of Caecill William Comegyes attorney
and Sarah his wife and Did in due forme acknowledge
and all the Lands and Premises within mentioned to be
and Behooffe of the within named Richd Bennett
Sarah being ffirst privtly Examined by us as the Law
as Wittness our hands the Day & year aforesaid
Edward Blay
p Lumley Clk
Wll Pearce
anno Domini 1709 Betweene Ebenzr Blackistone of
part and Michaell Miller of Kent County in the Province
Blackistone for and in Consideration of the sume of ffour Thousand
by ye sd Ebenzr Blackistone, And ye
sd Ebenzr Blackiston doe for
& discharge ye sd Michaell Miller his Heires Exectrs &
& confirmed and Doe by these Presents sell Enfeoffe & Confirm
Parcell of Land Containing ffifty acres be the same more or
Line of Bennett Staires and running for Length north west
tree of the said Staires standing in Tavern Branch; Thence
fforty ffour Pearches and from the end of the north east & by east
Two Perches unto a Marked Gum and from the said gum
Post in ye aforesd north west Line according to Computation
with all woods and underwoods Trees Timber Trees & waberidg
all other profitts priviledges and apurtenances wtsoever unto
in any wise appertaineing To have & hold the sd parcell of
the said Michaell Miller his heires and assignes forever; &
do Covenant in manner and forme following yt ye sd
att ye Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents are Lawfully Seized
hath full power & authority to grant Bargaine & sell ye premises
assignes for ever; and ffarther yt ye sd Land & every
pt yrof
Dowrs rents & arrearages of rents whatsoever ye rents and
in respect of his Senioritie only Excepted