Volume 669, Page 119 View pdf image |
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the aforesaid Three severall Tracts and parcells of Land called part in Contained One Thousand Six Hundred & ffifty acres of Land afsd together all other the before hereby granted and mentioned or Intended to be granted Benefitts and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging unto him proper use as attorney of the said John Toaes and Peter Massey and Sarah his wife lfe of the said John Toaes his Executors and admrs) and the said Peter and every of them) Covenant grant Promise and agree to and with in manner and form following (that is to say) that they the said John delivery of these Presents now are (and untill a good sure perfect & off and in all and singular the severall Tracts of Land & premises unto the said Richard Bennet his heires and assignes by force and solely seized and very true and Lawfull owners of the aforesaid Three One Thousand Six hundred and ffifty acres of Land as aforesaid gained and sold or mentioned or Intended to be bargained & sold ffee simple to them and their heires for ever without any manner of and also taht the said William Comegyes (by vertue of his Power of Massey and Sarah his wife now and shall then have good right nt demise bargaine sell and convey the said Three Tracts and and singular the premises with the appurtenances before demised said Richard Bennet his heires and assignes in manner and time to time and att all times for ever hereafter for the said Richard ceably and quietly to have hold use occupy possess and enjoye all and and all other the before bargained premises with all and singular be granted bargained and sold and every part and parcell thereof; And thereof to his and their own use & behoofe for ever; without any on eviction Explulsion or hinderance whatsoever of them the Exrs or admrs or any of them or of any other person or Persons and parcells of Land before mentioned and all other the aforesaid by these Presents granted ery of these Presents are and bee and att all times hereafter shall bee and assigne for ever ffree and cleare and freely and clearely acquitted Peter Massey & Sarah his wife their heires Exrs/sup> and admrs Sufficiently former and Other Bargaines Sales Gifts Grants Leases Mortgages Rents and arrearages of rent (the Rent from henceforth growing prized) from all other Charges Titles Troubles and Incumbrances made committed done or suffered by them the said John Toaes or the Peter Massey & Sarah his wife their heires Exrs admrs or assignes or by any other person or persons Claimeing any right Title Estate said Three Severall Tracts of Lands or any part or parcell thereof; attorney; and the said william Comegyes as attorney of the said John their heires Exrs and admrs and Every of them do further Covenant grant and assignes and Every of them in manner & former following (that is to Sarah his wife and their heires Exrs and admrs and every of them; of Partnership, Goose haven; and part of London Bridge (Conteining and sold as aforesaid with their and every of their appurtenances unto Proper use benefitt and behooffe of the sd Richard Bennet his heires Toaes & Peter Massey and Sarah his wife and their heires as shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these Presents; And |
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Volume 669, Page 119 View pdf image |
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