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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 118   View pdf image
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(94) 118

and assignes for ever, To have & to hold all and singular
of Partnership Goose haven and part of London Bridge and there
with all and singular the Plantations Tenements hereditaments &
and mentioned premises with their and Every of their Rights members
the said Richard Bennett his heires and assignes for ever to the only
his hieres and assignes for ever And the said William Comegyes
do hereby (that is to say the said William Comegyes for and in behalf
Massey & Sarah his wife for themselves their heires Exr and admrs
the said Richard Bennet his heires and assignes and every of them
Toaes and Peter Massey and Sarah his wife att the Ensealeing and
Indefeazible Estate of Inheritance in fee simple shall be made
with the appurtenances before hereby granted bargained & sold
vertue of these presents) stand Lawfully Sufficiently and Lawfully
Severall and particular Tracts and parcells of Land Conteining
and all other the premises before in and by these Present bar
of a good sure perfect and undefeazible Estate of Inheritance in
Condition or Limitation of use or uses to alter or change the same
attorney from the said John (Toaes) the said John Toaes Peter
full power, True title, Lawfull and absolute authority, to grant
parcells of Land and every part and parcell thereof, unto the
forme aforesaid; and that it shall and may be Lawfull from
Bennett his heires and assignes and Every of them Lawfully Pea--
singular the aforesaid Three severall Tracts or parcells of Land
their appurtenances before in and by these Presents mentioned to
to have receive and take all the Rents Issues and profitts
manner of Lawfull or other Lett Suite Trouble Barr Molestati
said John Toaes Peter massey and Sarah his wife their heires
whatsoever And that all and singular the Three Tracts
premises with their and every of their appurtenances (before in and
part and parcell thereof att the time of the Ensealeing and deliv
remaine and continue unto the said Richard Bennett his heires
exonerated and Discharged (or otherwise by the said John Toaes &
saved and kept harmless) of and from all and all manner of
Intailes Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever;
Due and payable to the Chiefe Lord of the ffee only Excepted and for
whatsoever had made Comitted Done or Suffered or to be had
said William Comegyes attorny of the said John Toaes or the said
or by their or any of theire meanes consent act or procurement
Interest property or demand whatsoever of in to or out of the
And the said John Toaes by the said William Comegyes his
Toaes and Peter Massey and Sarah his wife for themselves
promise and agree to and with the said Richard Bennett his heires
say) that the aforesaid John Toaes and Peter Massey and
all the aforesaid Three Tracts and parcells of Land called Part
One Thousand Six hundred and ffifty acres of Land Mentioned
the said Richard Bennett his heires and assignes to the only
and assignes forever as well against them the said John
against all and Every other person and persons whatsoever;

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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 118   View pdf image
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