Volume 669, Page 110 View pdf image |
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This Indenture made the first Day of November In the year Owen Sullivane of Talbot County in the Province of Maryland Planter other part Wittnesseth That the said Owen Sullivane for and in Consideration him the said Owen Sullivane in hand well and truly paid by the said Richard he the said Owen Sullivane doth acknowledge and confess and thereof as and admrs and Every of them fully clearely and absolutely acquitt Exonerate and Every of them firmly by these prsents Hath given granted Bargained and absolutely give grant Bargaine sell aliene Release Enfeoffe and All That Tract or parcell of Land Called Dungarnon formerly granted Sullivane as her Heire) Lyeing and being in Kent County in Chester river on a Poplar Tree at the End of the north east Line of Winchester and running Hundred Perches from thence south east Two Hundred Ninety and Three Perches Thomas Collins's Land Then nort west by Collins's Land Two Hundred Ninety and Land Conteining Three Hundred Acres of Land Together with all and singular Trees, Timber trees, Easments, Priviledges, Advantages, Profitts, Hereditaments of Land or any part or parcell thereof belonging or in any wayes appertain singular the said Bargained prmises for ever To have and to hold the appurtenances unto the said Richard Bennett his Heires and assignes forever and assignes forever And the said Owen Sullivane doth hereby for said Richard Bennett his Heires and assignes and Every of them in manner notwithstanding any act or Thing by him done caused or procured or by him Execution of the first Estate to be had and made of and in the prmises -- Presents shall then be) solely seized and very True and Lawfull owner Premisses before by these presents Bargained and Sold or mentioned of In Estate of Inheritance to him and his Heires for ever And that he now thority to grant Bargaine sell and convey the said Land and premises the Plantation and all other the bargained premises with their and ever remaine continue and be unto the said Richard Bennett, his Heires Exonerated and disharged (or by the said Owen Sullivane his Heires Executrs manner of former and other Bargaines, sales, gifts, grants, Leases, Mort and Incumbrances whatsover to become due and payable to the Chiefe Lord of the ffee only Excepted had made committed done or suffered by him the said Owen Sullivane Claimeing any Right Title Interest or Estate to the sd Land and or persons whatsoever And further The said Owen Sullivane agree to and with the said Richard Bennet his Heires and assignes them shall and may for ever hereafter Quietly and Peaceably have premises with their and Evry of their appurtenances without the Sullivane his Heires Executors admrs and assignes or any of them Right Title Interest or Estate Property or demand whatsoever of im-- and admrs and all other person or persons Claimeing by from or all times hereafter as often as they shall be thereunto reasonably re his Heires and assignes or any of them) doe make suffer acknow Executed all and Every such further & other reasonable act & acts the further better and more perfect assurance surety and suremak appurtenances to the uses before in and by these presents or their Councell Learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised and agreed by and betweene ye sd Partyes to these presents That shall well and Truely content & pay or cause to be contented and paid summe of Seaven Thousand ffour Hundred Pounds of good Sound |
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Volume 669, Page 110 View pdf image |
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