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of Our Lord God One Thousand Seaven Hundred and four Betweene the one Part and Richard Bennett of the same county and Province Esqr of the of the Summe of Six Thousand Pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco to Bennett before the Ensealing and delivery of these prsents The Receipt whereof [fr?]om every part and parcell thereof doth hereby for himselfe his Heires Executors and forever discharge him the said Richard Bennett his Heires Exrs and assignes sold aliened Releassed Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these prsents doth fully confirme unto him the said Richard Bennett his Heires and assignes for ever unto fflorence Sullivane (who dying Itestate descended unto the abovesaid Owen branch of the said river Called the Red Lyon Branch Beginning at a marked thence north Eighty perches and from the End of the north Lines runs east one then south west One Hundred and ffifty Perches where it Intersects the Line of three Perches Then north east to the Beginning on the south west bound by Collins [the?] Plantations, Buildings, houses, orchards, gardens, ffences, woods under woods [R?]ights, Members, and appurtenances whatsoever; unto the sd Tract or parcel ing; and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders of all and said Three Hundred Acres of Land and Bargained prmisses with all and singular the the only Proper use and behoofe of him the said Richard Bennett his Heires himselfe his Heires Exrs and admrs Covenant Promise and grant to and with and forme following (That is to say) That he the said Owen Sullivane for and be done caused or procured to the contrary thereof Now is (and that the the said Richard Bennett his Heires and assignes by force and vertue of these the said Tract or parcell of Land of Three Hundred Acres and all other the tended to be Bargained and sold of a good sure perfect and Indefeazable hath and then shall have good right full power Lawfull & absolute an- Manner aforesaid And That the said Tract or parcell of Land with every of their appurtenances now are and hereafter shall and may for and assigness for ever free and Cleare and freely and Clearely acquitted and admrs sufficiently saved and kept harm less) of and from all and all gages, Joyntures, Dowers, Titles of Dowers, Intailes; titles, trobles, charges Rents and arrearages of Rent (the Rent and Services from henceforth and foreprized) and from all other charges and Incumbrances whatsoever by his consent act or procuremt or any other person or persons Lawfully premisses or any part thereof by from or under him or any other person for himselfe his Heires Exrs and admrs doth Covenant promise grant and that the said Richard Bennett his Heires and assignes and Every of hold use occupy prosess and Enjoye the said Tract or parcell of Land & Lett suite Trouble distrubance denyall or Eviction of him the said Owen or any other person or persons Lawfully Claimeing or to Claime any or out of the said Land and premisses with the appurtenances by from or soever And also That he the said Owen Sullivane his Heires Executors under him them or any of them shall and will from time to time and att quired (and at the Proper Cost and Charges of him ye said Richard Bennett ledge and Execute or Cause to be done made suffered acknowledged & thing and Things Devices and assurances in the Law whatsoever for ing and Conveying the said Land and premisses with all and Evry the --tioned as by the said Richard Bennett his Heires and assignes or his advised or required provoided allwayes and it is hereby covenanted the said Owen Sullivane his Heires Exrs admrs or assignes the full and Just Merchantable Tobacco at and upon the ffirst day of November Over Leafe |
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Volume 669, Page 111 View pdf image |
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