port a bill to be entitled, an act appropriating a sum of money
for the payment of the claims of James Murray, Thomas A. Mit-
chell, Samuel S. Kilty, Chancy & Prichard, John W. Davis,
James H. League, Dixon, Balbirnie & Co., James Hopkins, Noah
Porter, John T. Watkins. J. Wesley White, and James H. Igle-
hart, against the State of Maryland.
On motion of Mr. Harrington,
Leave was granted to introduce a bill to incorporate the Pataps-
co Steam Tug Company of Baltimore.
Which was referred to the Committee on Corporations.
On motion of Mr. Wilson, of Calvert,
Leave was granted to introduce a bill entitled, an act to
amend an act entitled, "an act regulate the issuing of licenses
to traders, keepers of ordinaries and others," passed at the
session of 1827.
Which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
On motion of Mr. Timmons,
Leave was granted the Worcester county delegation to bring
in a bill to authorize the County Commissioners of Worcester
county to sell a portion of the Almshouse property in said coun-
Mr Rowles offered the following resolutions;
Whereas, His Honor, the Mayor of the city of Baltimore
has said in his recent message, that Baltimore has an interest in
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in value compared with which
a dividend of six per cent dwindles into the merest insignificance.
It is to her a main artery of commercial vitality, and she has con-
tributed to build it in consideration of the augmentation to her
commerce, trade, and general prosperity which it promised to in-
sure; and,
Whereas, The State of Maryland is a common stockholder
in said road to the amount of $500,000, on which she expects to
receive her six per cent interest annually; and,
Whereas, If the policy advocated by His Honor, the Mayor,
be correct, that the mercantile interests of the city of Baltimore
is paramount to all other considerations, and that the dividends
upon stock are secondary, then the State of Maryland has no se-
curity that the six per cent upon her $500,000 of unpreferred
stock will be paid annually by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company; Therefore, be it
Resolved, That a select committee of three be appointed to