712 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 508
intersect the center line of Fifth Avenue, S. E.; thence along the
center line of Fifth Avenue in a southeasterly and in an easterly
direction, approximately 0.9 miles to intersect the center line of Mary-
land Route No. 2 (Governor Ritchie Highway); thence in a straight
line in an easterly direction and running across the property of
the Board of Education at Glen Burnie High School 0.4 miles to a
point in the center line of the Old Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard
(Rt. 648); where the center line of Amberly Road projected in the
Harundale Subdivision intersects the Old Baltimore-Annapolis
Boulevard (Rt. 648); thence in a southeasterly direction along the
center line of the Batlimore-Annapolis Boulevard approximately 0.80
miles to the center line of Marley Creek; thence with the center line
of Marley Creek in a general northeasterly direction for a distance
of 2.5 miles to where Marley Creek empties into Curtis Creek; thence
with the center line of Curtis Creek in a northeasterly and north-
westerly direction 1.6 miles to the Metropolitan District Line of
Baltimore City in a northwesterly direction 2.95 miles to intersect
the center line of the Patapsco River; thence with the center line of
the Patapsco River in a general southwesterly direction approxi-
mately 5 miles to where the mouth of Deep Creek, also known as
Deep Run enters the Patapsco River and where the boundary line of
Baltimore County, Howard County, and Anne Arundel County inter-
sects; thence with the center line of Deep Creek, also known as Deep
Run, in a southwesterly direction and with the boundary line of
Howard County approximately 3.8 miles to the place of beginning.
(g) (C) Beginning for the sixth SECOND part thereof at the inter-
section of the center lines of Stewart Avenue and Old Annapolis Stage
Road and running thence from said begininng point and with the cen-
ter line of the Old Annapolis Stage Road in a southerly direction ap-
proximately 1.5 miles to intersect the center line of U. S. Route No. 301
(Crain Highway); thence along the centerline of the Grain Highway
in a southerly direction approximately 2.5 miles to the centerline of
an old abandoned road which is the boundary line of the property
owned by Harry S. Pumphrey and Eva Pumphrey, his wife, said
property being described in a deed dated December 12,1947, whereby
the property was conveyed by Joseph Brosh and Amelia Brosh, his
wife, to Harry S. Pumphrey and Eva Pumphrey, his wife, and
recorded among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County in Liber
J.H.H. 447, folio 371; thence with the center line of the abandoned
county road the following courses and distances: South 11° 10' West,
154 feet more or less to a point; thence South 6° 5' West 102.5 feet
to intersect the due east 108.33 feet line in the aforementioned de-
scription in the conveyance from Brosh to Pumphrey; thence con-
tinuing along the center line of said abandoned county road South
01° 00' East 89.3 feet; South 05° 15' East 100.2 feet; South 13° 45'
East 69.5 feet; South 22° 15' East 70.5 feet, South 31° 15' East 112
feet more or less to intersect the said centerline of the Crain High-
way; thence with the center line of said Crain Highway approxi-
mately 1.70 miles to intersect the centerline of Severn Run; thence
with a line along the center line of Severn Run and the Severn River
in a general southeasterly direction approximately 9.30 miles to in-
tersect the boundary line of the City of Annapolis; said point being
designated in the description of the boundary line of the City of
Annapolis as being a point distant North 31,400 feet, East 24,000 feet
from the origin of coordinates mentioned in the description of the