C H A P.
Bonds to be a
XVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cafes where bonds fhall be taken in virtue of this act,
the bonds fhall be a lien on the real property of the obligors from the date thereof, or on fo
much of the faid real property as the governor and council fhall think fufficient, to be particularly
mentioned in a fchedule to be purposed to the faid bond, in which cafe it fhall a lien on the
property contained in fuch fchedule, and no more, fuch bond and fchedule to be lodged with the
treafurer of the weftern fhore.
And to exprefs
the county, &c.
XVIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all bonds taken in virtue of this act fhall exprefs the
county in which the obligors refpectively refide, and the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall,
within one month after he receives them refpectively, caufe them, with the fchedule annexed
to them, to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the general court of the weftern fhore, at the
expence of the obligors; and a copy of the faid record, certified under the hand and official feal
of the faid clerk, fhall be as good evidence in any court of law or equity in this ftate as the ori-
ginal bond would be if it was produced; and if any of the obligors in any fuch bonds refide on
the eaftern fhore, the faid treafurer fhall, within fix months from the time he receives the fame
refpectively, tranfmit to the clerk of the general court of the eastern fhore, in the fame manner
as papers on public fervice are tranfmitted, a copy of fuch bonds and fchedules, certified as
aforefaid by the clerk of the general court of the weftern fhore, to be recorded in the office of
the clerk of the general court of the eaftern fhore, at the expence of the obligors, and in fuch
cafe a copy of the faid record, certified as aforefaid by the clerk of the general court of the eaf-
tern fhore fhall be good evidence as aforefaid.
Accounts to be
rendered quar-
terly, &c.
XIX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent fhall render to the treasurer of the weftern
fhore diftinct quarterly accounts of his receipts of all money, certificates and bonus, in virtue of
this act, and fhall immediately thereupon pay and deliver the fame to the faid treafurer, who
fhall, in his annual report to the general affembly, ftate fully and particularly the money, certifi-
cates and bonds, by him received from the faid agent, and the times when the fame were re-
ceived and accounted for.
A fair account
to the general
affembly, &c.
XX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent fhall render a fair and full account of his
feveral proceedings under the authority of this act to the general affembly at their next feffion,
and within the firft ten days after its commencement, in which account fhall be fpecified, under
diftinct heads, his own receipts, and thofe of the treafurer, and of all transfers of stock upon
which he may be entitled to commiffion, and in which fhall alfo be contained a particular efti-
mate of his commiffions, fhewing how and upon what the fame arofe due.
Commiffion al-
XXI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent fhall be allowed for his fervices the following
commiffions, to wit: For all payments actually made to either of the treasurers in virtue of this
act, four per cent. and for ail bonds taken by the faid agent in virtue of this act, four per cent.
Agent to give
XXII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent, before he enters upon the execution of the
duties of tins act, fhall give bond to the ftate, before the governor and council, in the penalty of
fixty thoufand dollars, with fuch fecurity as the governor and council fhall approve, for the faith-
ful performance of the faid duties, which bond fhall be lodged with the treafurer of the weftern
fhore, and fhall alfo take an oath before the chancellor, that he will well and faithfully discharge
the duties as agent under the act, entitled, An act to appoint an agent for the year one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-nine, to the beft of his fkill and judgment, the certificate of which
oath fhall be annexed to, or endorfed on, the faid bond.
And collect
fums due from
XXIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the agent be and he is hereby authorised and directed to
collect any fum or fums of money due from perfons refidents without the ftate of Maryland, and
if neceffary, fue therefor, and he is alfo authorifed to employ counfel for the recovery of the
fame, and give fuch fee as he may think reafonable, and draw on the treafurer of the weftern
fhore therefor, who is hereby authorifed to pay the amount of fuch order.
How a vacan-
cy is to be filled.
XXIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the faid agent fhall not accept his appointment, or if
after his acceptance he fhall not give bond, and take the oath aforefaid, before the firft day of
February next, or fhall die, the governor and council are hereby authorifed and requefted to ap-
point a fit and proper perfon in his place, who fhall have and execute all the authorities and
powers vefted in the faid William Marbury by this act, fuch perfon firft giving fecurity, and
taking the oath aforefaid.
Paffed Jan. 15.
C H A P. LX.
An ACT to enable the truftees of Cokefbury college to difpofe of the effects of
faid college for the purpofe therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly of Maryland, by the truftees of
Cokefbury county, that owing to the deftruction of the buildings belonging to faid col-
lege by fire it has been rendered totally inadequate to the end of its inftitution, and that there
are fundry outftanding and unfatisfied claims exifting againft the faid college, for the payment of
which they, the faid truftees, are liable: And whereas the faid truftees have prayed that an act
may pafs, empowering them to difpofe of the effects belonging to faid college for the purpose of
fatisfying the claims fo as aforfaid exifting againft it; which appearing to be reafonable, therefore,
Truftees may
fell, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the truftees of Cokefbury college
or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to fell and difpofe of
all the property, real and perfonal, belonging to the faid college, and to apply the money thence
arifing to the payment of debts existing againft faid college, any claim in the act for the incor-
porating faid college to the contrary notwithstanding.