moft advantageous terms, for the ufe of this ftate, and if the fame be fold on credit, which fhall
in no cafe exceed the term of two years, the faid agent fhall take bond, with good and fufficient
fecurity, to be approved of by the treafurer of the weftern fhore, from the purchafers of fuch
property, and all bonds by him fo taken fhall be depofited, with an accurate lift thereof fub-
fcribed by him, in the treafury of the weftern fhore, and fhall be a lien upon the real property
of fuch purchasers, and their fecurities, from the refpective dates, or fo much thereof as is men-
tioned in the fchedule thereto annexed.
C H A P.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent if hereby directed to difpofe of all confiscated
Britifh property that remains unfold, and take bonds to the ftate, with fufficient fecurity, and
give time for the payment thereof, not exceeding two years from the firft day of January, one
thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, and that where the quantity of land in any one body
fubject to fuch fale exceeds the quantity of fifty acres, fuch land fhall be difpofed of at public
fale, of the time and place of which fale at leaft thirty days previous notice fhall be given by
public advertisement; and that at the time of any fale by virtue of this act, the faid agent fhall
make known that he only fells the right of this ftate thereto, and that the ftate doth not guaranty
the title to the fame, or any part thereof, but that the purchafe muft be in all refpects at the
rifk of the purchafer.
Agent to dif-
pofe of certain
property, &c.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no payment in future by any officer or perfon indebted to
the ftate fhall be valid and effectual, unlefs made to the treafurer of the weftern or eaftern fhore,
or to the agent for the time being, or unlefs made to the clerks and fheriffs of the feveral coun-
ties, in the cafes where the faid clerks and fheriff's are by law authorifed to receive the fame.
No payment to
be valid, &c.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the agent fhall have full power and authority, by and with
the advice of the governor and council, in all cafes of uninftalled debts, to take back any pro-
perty heretofore purchafed by any perfon, and not yet paid for, in cafes where the perfon fo
having purchafed, and his fecurities, are not capable of paying for the fame, and to compromife
the fame upon terms and principles of equity and juftice, by and with the advice and confent
aforefaid; and the agent is hereby required to lay a particular ftatement of his proceedings un-
der this fection before the next feffion of affembly.
Agent to take
back property,
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the agent, with the approbation and confent of the governor
and council, be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to compromife any fuit depending in
chancery with any ftate debtor, upon any terms in their judgment calculation to promote the in-
tereft of the ftate, and to obtain the fpeedy receipt of the fums due.
And may com-
promife, &c.
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if, under the terms of any compromife made as aforefaid, the
property heretofore purchafed fhould be taken back and revefted in the ftate, the fame may be
fold by the agent, and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to fell the fame at public fale,
giving thirty days notice, on a credit of two years, payable one half of the principle and the
whole intereft, annually, on the firft day of December in each year, and the bonds, when taken,
fhall be returned to the treafury of the weftern fhore, and reported to the general affembly at
their feffion next enfuing the taking of fuch bonds.
Property taken
back may be
ibid, &c.
XI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all cafes in chancery, where no compromife under this act is
effected, fhall be placed under the direction of the agent, who is hereby authorifed and required
to call on the attorney-general to profecute or defend the fame to immediate final decifion; and,
the governor and council are hereby authorifed and empowered, at the requeft of the agent, in
cafes of difficulty, to aid the attorney-general, by employing any perfon to attend to furveys
where neceffary, or otherwife to affift in the profecution or defence of faid fuits, which perfon
or perfons are to be paid out of the contingent fund of five hundred pounds; and the names of
the perfons fo employed, together with the fum allowed for their fervices, to be laid before the
general affembly at their next feffion.
Agent to call
on the attorney-
general, &c.
XII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any bond debtor to the ftate for confiscated property pur-
chafed, or otherwife, fhall neglect to make payment agreeably to the condition of his bond, and
fundry refolves of the general affembly, the faid agent fhall caufe procefs to iffue for the whole
principal and intereft then due, or fhall proceed on any execution already iffued, and ferved
and fufpended, as occafion may require, or, under the direction and with the approbation of
the governor and council, he is hereby authorifed to delay any execution as long as they may
think expedient and neceffary.
Debtors may be
fued, &c.
XIII. AND BE IT EXACTED, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the collection of
all balances due on bond taken for taxes due before the firft day of January, feventeen hundred
and eighty-three; and the faid agent fhall alfo fuperintend the collection of all balances due on
bonds installed, or otherwife, for the emiffions of paper money of feventeen hundred and fixty-
nine, and feventeen hundred and feventy-three.
Agent to fuper-
intend the col-
lection, &c.
XIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no procefs fhall iffue againft any of the public debtors, un-
lefs by the direction of the faid agent,
XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent fhall have power to fix fuch days of fale of
property, taken by fieri facias, at the fuit of the ftate, as he may think proper, always taking care
to give at leaft twenty days public notice thereof; and the faid agent fhall alfo have power to
fufpend the fales, from time to time, as he may think moft to the advantage of the ftate.
No procefs to
iffue, &c.
Agent to fix
days, &c.
XVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent fhall pay into the treafury, in fpecie, the
amount of all fpecie by him received in the difcharge of the duties of this act.
And pay in