An ACT for the relief of fundry infolvent debtors.
WHEREAS Henry Crift, of the city of Annapolis, Francis Valdermere, of Montgomery
county, Jacob Madairy, of Baltimore county, Thomas Walters, of Dorchefter county,
John Ditzbaugh, of the city of Baltimore, John R. Bryce, of the city of Annapolis, Benjamin
Cawood, Cleon Clements, Jacob Clements, George C. Smoot, Edward Pye William Thompfon,
James A. Corry, John Hepburn, James Brown, Thomas Marfhall and John F. Beall, of Charles
county, William Moore, Adam Brietenoder, William Davis, Edmund, Cuftis, Lewis Hart and
Jacob Kuhn, of Baltimore county, Elijah Robifon Sinners, William Jordan, John Wolfenden,
John Gannier, John Curfon Seton, William Thompfon, Robert Thompfon, Peter Gartz, George
Simpfon, Hugh Hales, Robert Hales, William Scott, William Dwyer, Daniel Victory, James
Buchanan, Charles Young, William Ruffell, Benjamin Marfhall and Robert Mickle, of the city
of Baltimore, Nathan G. Bryfon, James Roney, Samuel Poor, Ebenezer Handy and Denwood
Turpin, of Somerfet county, Barnett Johnfon, of Thomas, Barnett Johnfon, of Thomas, Harry
Gough, Benjamin Prefton, John Lee Gibfon and William M'Comas, of Harford county, John
Savin, John Makin, Henry Rofe, Jehu John, David Churchman and Thomas Churchman, of
Caecil county, James Greenleaf, Enos Duvall Fergufon, John M'Kiver, Jofias Fergufon, Stewart
Williams, Frederick Koones, Middleton Belt, William Lovering, William Prentifs and John
Tilley, of Prince-George's county, Ifaac Kent, of Allegany county, Richard Rochefter and
Emory Sudler, of Queen-Anne's county, John Rigby, Alexander S. Peter, Thomas Rawlay,
William Needham, Lloyd Beall, John Beck, Thomas Gerard Slye and Alexander Bailey, of
Montgomery county, William Cooper Bithray, of the city of Annapolis, Nicholas Lynch, Alex-
ander Lock, of Wafhington county, Nicholas Hauer, fenior, William Turner and John Riley,
of Frederick county, John M'Coy and Jofhua Groves, of Anne-Arundel county, Benjamin M.
Ward and Jacob Fowle, of Talbot county, Thomas Harwood, of Calvert county, Thomas Mul-
lin, of Kent county, Nathan Breerwood and Jofhua Breerwood, of Dorchefter county, by their
petitions to the general affembly have fet forth, that by reafon of many misfortunes they are
unable wholly to fatify their creditors, and have prayed that they may be difcharged upon their
delivering up all their property for the ufe of their creditors, and the prayer of the faid peti-
tioners being found reafonable; therefore,
Paffed Jan. 10.