fucceffors, appointed in the manner herein after declared, fhall and are hereby declared to be one
community, corporation and body politic, to have continuation for ever, by the name, of The
Visitors of Allegany County School, and by that name to fue and be fued, implead or be im-
pleaded, make and have a common feal, and the fame to break, alter or renew, when
and fo often as they fhall think fit.
How vacancies
are to be filled.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforefaid vifitors, and their fucceffors, or a majority of
them, fhall, at any and all times, upon the death, refignation, or removal from the county, of
any one or more of the visitors, appoint other fenfible and difcreet man or men of the faid county
to be the visitor or visitors to fill the vacancy created by the death, refignation or removal, in
Victors to
make ordi-
nances, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid visitors, and their fucceffors, or a majority of them,
fhall have full power and authority to make fundamental ordinances for the government of the
fchool or feminary aforefaid, and the education of the youth, and to appoint fuch perfon or perfons
as they, or a majority of them, may think proper, to be teacher or teachers of the faid fchool.
Meet twice in
each year, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid vifitors and their fuccessors, or a majority of them,
fhall meet at leaft twice in each year, at fuch time as fhall be appointed by their own ordinances,
in order to examine the progrefs of the ftudents and fcholars, and to hear and determine on all
complaints and appeals, and all matters touching the discipline of the seminary and the good
and wholefome execution of their ordinances, on all which occafions a majority at leaft of the
vifitors fhall compofe a quorum.
And may hold
property, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid vifitors, and their fucceffors, may hold and enjoy,
and that they may be apt and capable in law for taking, holding and enjoying, all manors, lands,
tenements, rents, fervices, portions, annuities, penfions, with all other inheritances, franchifes
and poffeffions whatfoever, of the gift of any perfon whatfoever that is willing to beftow them,
for the ufe of the fchool aforefaid, or any other gifts, grants, affigmnents, legacies or donations,
of any and all kinds whatever, for the ufe and benefit of faid fchool.
Ordinances, &c.
to be heretofore
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the ordinances which fhall from time to time be made by the
faid vifitors, and their fucceffors, with an account of their other proceedings, fhall, when re-
quired, be laid before the general affembly, for their examination and infpection.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall pay to the aforefaid
truftees, or their order, annually, as a public donation, the fum of two hundred dollars, for the
purpofes of education, the firft payment whereof fhall be made on the firft day of October next,
for the ufe and encouragement of the fchool aforefaid, the fum of two hundred dollars to be ap-
plied at the difcretion of the truftees aforefaid.
Paffed Jan. 18.
An agent ap-
An ACT to appoint an agent for the year one thoufand feven hundred and
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That William Marbury be agent of this
ftate, to execute the truft and power repofed in him by virtue of this act, from the firft day
of January, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, until the firft day of January, one
thoufand eight hundred.
arrearages, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent fuperintend the collection of all arrearages and
balances due from the feveral collectors of the refpective counties within this ftate; and the faid
agent is hereby authorifed and required to call upon the treafurers of the refpective fhores for
an accurate ftatement of all arrearages and balances due from fuch collectors, and fuch accounts
fhall be furnifhed by the faid treafurers accordingly.
Of balances on
the auditor's
books, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the collection of
balances due to the ftate on the auditor's book or on open account; and the faid agent fhall
have power to require payment of, and, if neceffary, to fue for and recover the fame; and the
faid agent, with the approbation of the governor and council, may make compofition with any
Inch debtors, and take bonds to the ftate, with fufficient fecurity, and give time for payment,
not exceeding two years from the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and ninety-nine.
And monies
due for duties,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the collection of
all monies, due to the ftate for naval duties, dues, penalties, forfeitures and amerciaments, and
forfeited recognizances, and for ordinary retailers and marriage licences, and to require pay-
ment, and, if neceffary, fue for and recover the fame; and the faid agent may allow for infol-
vencies, and credit any money that the party is not chargeable with by law, and lor his informa-
tion of the law, he may take the advice of the attorney-general in writing.
Notice to be
given of fales,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever there fhall be occafion to expofe to public fale the
property of any collector, or his fecurities, by virtue of any execution already iffued, or to be
iffued for this purpofe, the faid agent fhall caufe at leaft thirty days public notice to be given of
fuch fale, and fhall attend the fame, and if it fhall appear that there is danger of lofing any part
of the debt due in the ftate, and not otherwife, fhall purchafe any property fo expofed to fale
for the ufe of the ftate, in payment, or part payment, as the cafe may be, of the arrearages due
by the collectors whofe property may be fo purchafed, and that no purchafe authorifed by this
act fhall be confidered to be made on the part of the ftate, unlefs a public declaration to that effect
be made by the agent, or his deputy, immediately after fuch fale and purchafe; and any proper-
ty fo purchafed for the ufe of the faid agent may again expofe to public auction on the