JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
V. And be it enacted, That the faid truftees and governors for the time being,
and their fucceffors, fhall, by the fame name, be able and capable in law to pur-
chafe, have, hold and enjoy, to them and their fucceffors, in fee, or for any other
leffer eftate or eftates, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, rents, annuities or
other monies, which heretofore have been, or at any time hereafter may be,
given, granted, bargained, fold, aliened, enfeoffed, releafed, confirmed or devifed,
to the faid college, by any perfon or perfons, bodies politic or corporate, capable
and able to make the fame, and fuch lands, tenements, hereditaments, rents,
annuities or other monies, at their pleafure to grant, alien, fell and transfer, in
fuch manner and form as they fhall judge moft advantageous for the faid col-
lege, and alfo that they may take and receive any kind or portion of goods and
chattels which heretofore have been, or at any time hereafter may be, given,
fold or bequeathed, to the faid college, by any perfon or perfons, bodies politic
or corporate, capable to make a gift, fale or bequeft thereof, and the fame to em-
ploy towards the fupport and advancement of the faid college, in the main-
tenance, inftruction and education, of fuch youth as may from time to time be
admitted, according to the rules and regulations of the faid college which may
hereafter be eftablifhed.
Truftees may
purchafe land,
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid truftees and governors, and their fuccef-
fors, by the name aforefaid, fhall be able and capable in law to fue and be fued,
plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in any court or courts of record,
or before any judge or judges, within this ftate or elfewhere, in ail and all man-
ner of fuits, complaints, pleas, caufes, matters and demands, of whatfoever kind,
nature or form they may be, and all and every other matter and thing therein to
do, in as full and effectual a manner as any other perfon or perfons, bodies poli-
tic or corporate, within this ftate, or any of the United States of America, in
like cafes may or can do.
May fue, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That the faid truftees and governors, and their fuc-
ceffors, fhall have full power and authority to have, make and ufe, one common
and public feal, with fuch devices and infcriptions as they may think proper, and
the ufe thereof by their own laws to regulate and fix, and the fame to change,
break, alter or renew, at their pleafure.
Have a com-
mon seal, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the faid truftees and governors, and their fuc-
ceffors, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, for ever, fhall have full
power and authority to choofe and appoint, in fuch manner and for fuch time as
they fhall think beft and moft convenient, a principal and vice-principal of the
faid college, and profeffors, with proper tutors and affiftants, for inftructing the
ftudents and fcholars belonging to the faid feminary in all the liberal arts and
fciences, and in the ancient and modern tongues and languages, who fhall be
feverally ftyled profeffors of fuch arts and fciences, languages or tongues, as they
fhall refpectively be nominated and appointed to teach; and the faid principal,
vice-principal and profeffors, fo nominated and appointed, fhall be known and
diftinguifhed for ever by the name of the principal, vice-principal and profeffors,
of Cokefbury college in the ftate of Maryland, and by the fame name they fhall
be capable of exercifing fuch powers and authorities, as the truftees and governors
of the faid college, and their fucceffors, fhall, from time to time, by their or-
dinances and by-laws, think proper and neceffary to delegate to them for the
inftruction, difcipline and literary government, of the faid feminary, and of the
ftudents, fcholars, minifters and fervants, of and belonging to the fame; and
the faid principal, vice-principal, profeffors, ftudents, fcholars, and fuch neceffary
minifters and fervants as give conftant attendance upon the bufinefs of the faid
college, fhall be exempted from all rates and taxes on their refpective falaries.
And appoint
a principal,
IX. And be it enacted, That the clear yearly value of the meffuages, houfes,
lands, tenements, hereditaments, rents, annuities, or intereft of other monies of
the faid college and corporation, fhall not exceed the fum of three thoufand
pounds current money of this ftate, to be reckoned in Spanifh milled dollars at
the prefent rate and weight; and all gifts, grants stad bequefts, to the faid col-
E lege
Yearly value
not to exceed
3000l. &c.