lege and corporation, after the yearly value of the eftate thereto belonging fhall
amount to three thoufand pounds, as aforefaid, and all bargains and purchafes to be
made by the faid corporation, which may increafe the yearly value of the faid eftate
above and beyond the fum aforefaid, fhall be abfolutely void and of none effect.
Truftees to
meet, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That the truftees and governors, and their fucceffors,
fhall meet, at leaft once in every year, at fuch time and place as they fhall think
proper, and from time to time as by their own ordinances they fhall fix upon
and appoint, in order to examine into the progrefs of the ftudents and fcholars
in literature, to hear and determine on all complaints and appeals, and upon all
matters touching the difcipline and government of the faid feminary, and the
good and wholefome execution of their ordinances, in all which examinations,
meetings and determinations, fuch number of the faid truftees and governors duly
met and convened, provided they be not lefs than nine, iliall be a quorum, as
the eftablifhed rules and ordinances at firft, or any time afterwards, being duly
enacted by a majority of the whole number of attending truftees and governors,
fhall fix and determine.
Two thirds
may make or-
dinances, &c.
XI. And be it enacted, That two thirds of the faid truftees and governors for
the time being, duly affembled at their annual meeting, upon due notice being
given to the whole body of truftees and governors, provided that one of them be
the prefident of the faid board of truftees, as is herein before mentioned and de-
clared, when thus affembled, fhall have full power and authority to make or
amend fuch ordinances for the government of the faid feminary, and inftruction
of the ftudents and fcholars, as they may think proper and neceffary, and by
thefe ordinances to appoint fuch a number of their own body, not lefs than
nine, as they may think proper, to be a board for tranfacting all general and
neceffary bufinefs of the faid feminary, and making temporary rules for the go-
vernment thereof; and alfo by the faid eftablifhed rules and ordinances to dele-
gate to the principal, vice-principal and profeffors, fuch powers as they may
think beft for the government of the faid feminary, and the execution of the
ordinances and rules of the fame, provided they be not repugnant to the laws of
this, or of the United States.
Public com-
to be held,
XII. An, in order to animate and encourage the ftudents and fcholars of and
belonging to the faid feminary to a laudable diligence, induftry, and progrefs in
ufeful literature and fcience, Be it enacted, That the faid truftees and governors,
and their fucceffors, fhall, by a written mandate, under the feal of the faid cor-
poration, and the hand of the prefident of the faid board of truftees and go-
vernors, have full power and authority to direct the principal, vice-principal and
profeffors, to hold public commencements, either on ftated annual days, or oc-
cafionally, as may be directed by the future ordinances of the faid corporation,
and at fuch commencements to admit any of the ftudents belonging to the faid
feminary, or any other perfons meriting the fame, (whofe names fhall be feverally
inferted in the faid mandate,) to any,degree or degrees in any of the faculties,
arts and fciences, and liberal profeffions, to which perfons are ufually admitted in
ether colleges or univerfities in America or Europe; and it is hereby declared,
that the principal, or in cafe of his death or abfence, the vice-principal, and in
cafe of the death or abfence of both, the fenior profeffor who may be prefent,
fhall make out, and fign with his name, diplomas or certificates of. the admiffion
to fuch degree or degrees, which fhall be fealed with .the feal of the faid corpo-
ration or college, and delivered to the graduates, as honourable and perpetual
teftimonials of fuch admifiion, which diplomas (if thought neceffary for doing
greater honour to fuch graduates,) fhall alfo be figned by the different profeffors
belonging to the faid feminary, or as many of them as can conveniently fign the
fame; provided always, that no ftudent or ftudents belonging to the faid college
fhall ever be admitted to any fuch degree or degrees, nor have his or their name
inferted in any mandate for a degree, until fuch ftudent or ftudents have been firfl
duly examined and found qualified for the fame at a public examination of candi-
dates, to be held one whole month previous to the day of commencement in the
faid college, by, or in the prefence of, the faid truftees and governors, or of fuch