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Session Laws, 1794
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comply with the faid provifions, to be recovered by indictment before the juftices
of the refpective county courts, collected as other fines are, and applied to the
ufe of the faid counties refpectively, provided always, that nothing in this act
contained fhall in any manner be conftrued to authorife the rcgifters of wills in
the aforefaid counties to tranfact any part of the bufinefs of their refpective offices
by deputies, which is now prohibited by the exifting laws of this ftate.

Paffed De-
cember 26.


An ACT for the incorporation of Cokefbury college, at Abing-
don, in Harford county.
WHEREAS inftitutions for the liberal education of youth in the prin-
ciples of virtue, knowledge and ufeful literature, are of great impor-
tance to fociety, in order to raife up and perpetuate a fucceffion of able
and honeft men for difcharging the various offices and duties of the community,
as well civil as religious, with ufefulnefs artd reputation, and fuch inftitutions
have accordingly merited and received the attention and encouragement of the beft
regulated ftates: And whereas former legiflatures of this ftate have, by fundry
laws, given confiderable encouragement to feminaries of learning within the fame;
and this general affembly, taking into confederation the petition of William Wil-
kins, Edward White, Henry Ennalls, John Carnan, James Anderfon, Philip
Rogers, Samuel Owings, Ifaac Burnefton, James M'Cannen, Emanuel Kent,
John Chalmers, Henry Willis, Nelfon Reed, Richard Whatcoate and Jofeph
Everett, the prefent truftees of Cokefbury college, in Abingdon, praying that
they may be incorporated for the purpofes in the faid petition mentioned, are
willing to afford all neceffary legiflative aid for the promotion and encouragement
of ufeful learning; therefore,

Truftees in-


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Willi-
am Wilkins, Edward White, Henry Ennalls, John Carnan, James Anderfon,
Philip Rogers, Samuel Owings, Ifaac Burnefton, James M'Cannen, Emanuel
Kent, John Chalmers, Henry Willis, Nelfon Reed, Richard Whatcoate and Jo-
feph Everett, the prefent truftees and governors of Cokefbury college, at Abing-
don, fituate in Harford county in this ftate, be, and they are hereby declared to
be, one community, corporation and body politic, to have continuance for ever,
by the name of The Truftees and Governors of Cokefbury College in the State
of Maryland, and by the fame name fhall have perpetual fucceffion; and in cafe
of the death or relignation of any of the truftees or governors, then and in fuch
cafe the remaining truftees and governors fhall, at their next annual meeting,
proceed to vote by ballot, and elect and appoint another truftee or truftees in the
place of thofe whofe feats may have been vacated as aforefaid, in order to keep
up the number of fifteen truftees for ever; provided always, that when two thirds
of the truftecs for the time being fhall not agree with refpect to the election and
appointment of a truftee or truftees in the place of thofe whofe feat or feats may
have been vacated as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe the prefident of faid college
for the time being, who is hereby declared to be, and for ever hereafter fhall con-
tinue to be, the prefident of the faid board of truftees and governors, fhall have
a voice in the election and appointment of a truftee or truftees, as the cafe may
be, in which cafe a majority of voices fhall be final and decifive.

Prefident to
be chofen,

III. And be it enacted, That the faid prefident fhall be chofen by the faid
truftees and governors according to the ordinance to be made for that purpoie,
which faid choice of prefident fhall not be reftricted to any religious denominati-
on or fect; provided always, that the concurrence of two thirds of all the faid
truftees and governors fhall be neceffary to elect: the faid prefident.

How a vacan-
cy is to be

IV. And be it enacted, That in cafe of the death, or refufal to act, of the
faid prefident, the faid truftees and governors fhall, at their next meeting thereaf-
ter, proceed, in the manner as herein prefcribed and directed, to choofe another
prefident, and in cafe of the abfence of the faid prefident from any meeting here-
in directed of the faid truftees and governors, the attending truftees and governors,
provided they be a quorum, fhall proceed to elect a prefident pro tempore.

V. And

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Session Laws, 1794
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