as applicable to persons operating motor vehicles under chauf-
feur's licenses.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly, in 1959, enacted a new Section
114A to Article 66 1/2, (Annotated Code of Maryland, 1959 Supple-
ment), title "Motor Vehicles", sub-title "Point System", under the
terms of which the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles is directed to
put into effect a point system for the suspension or revocation of
motor vehicle operators' and chauffeurs' licenses; and
WHEREAS, By sub-section (d) of Section 114A of Article 66 1/2 pro-
vides only that in a case in which any licensee who is required to
drive a motor vehicle in the course of his regular employment, that
notice of suspension of his license shall require fifteen points, and
notice of revocation eighteen points, rather than eight, or twelve
points, respectively for those not required to operate a motor vehicle
in the course of his regular employment, without any specification
whether or not points assigned shall be assigned against both opera-
tors' and chauffeurs' licenses in a case in which a motor vehicle
operator shall have both; and
[See page image for strike through]
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Legis-
lative Council, and more particularly the Special Committee on
Motor Vehicle Laws, if that Committee be reconstituted, be directed
to make an inquiry into the Maryland point system as presently codi-
fied in Section 114A of Article 66 1/2 (Annotated Code of Maryland,
1959 Supplement), to determine the necessity and advisability of
establishing separate classifications under the point system more
adequate than the present law to differentiate professional drivers,
required in the course of their employment to operate motor vehicles,
from all other private drivers; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislative Council be directed to report its
findings and conclusions to the General Assembly at its next regular
meeting, January, 1961; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Legislative
Approved March 23, 1960.