1532 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 818
to furnish and provide special privileges or benefits to persons or
property within the said special tax zone.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the property now located in the Second Election District of Anne
Arundel County, lying within the Sub-division known as "Epping
Forest", and described as follows, shall be, and the same is hereby,
constituted a special tax zone:
Beginning for the same at a point in the said sub-division where
Clements Path leads to Clements Bay and running thence down
Clements Path and Clements Trail to Daneseye Trail, thence up
Daneseye Trail to Holly Trail, thence down Holly Trail to Clements
Trail to Epping Way, thence with the north side of Epping Way to
Plompton Way, thence to Epping Way, thence down Epping Way to
the west side of Lot No. 8 in Block No. 70, thence with the west side
of Lot No. 26 in Block No. 70 to Ramshorn Trail, thence down Rams-
horn trail to Chelmerford Trail, thence up Chelmerford Trail to Salt
Pan Bay, thence with the outlines of Salt Pan Bay, the Severn River
and Clements Bay to the point of beginning. All as is shown on plats
entitled "Epping Forest", recorded among the Plat Records of Anne
Arundel County in Plat Book No. 1, page 39, Book No. 1, page 47,
and Book No. 2, page 3.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That immediately after the pass-
age of this Act, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and annually
thereafter, the Board of County Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County shall appoint, upon the recommendation of Epping Forest,
Incorporated, a community organization, or its successors or assigns,
a committee of five residents of the aforesaid special tax zone, who
shall serve without compensation and who shall be duly qualified
voters of the Second Election District of Anne Arundel County, and
taxpayers owning real estate in the said special tax zone, which said
committee shall be known as the "Epping Forest Civic Board". The
members of the said Board shall, within ten days after they are
appointed, qualify by taking the oath prescribed by Section Six,
Article One, of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, before the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County. In case of a
vacancy due to death, removal, or refusal to act, the Board of County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County shall fill said vacancy as
soon as practicable, in the manner as above provided. The said Civic
Board shall, on or before the 1st day of September in each calendar
year, prepare and submit to the Board of County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel County a budget for the said special tax zone listing
thereon the unexpended funds then standing to the credit of the said
zone and giving the items and amounts which they recommend to be
expended for special benefits, privileges, services or improvements
to persons or property within the said zone during the next succeed-
ing fiscal year.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in each year, upon approval
by the Board of County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County of
the aforementioned budget, and upon their determination that the
items of privilege, service, benefit or improvement therein listed will
specially benefit the properties or persons within said zone to be
specially taxed, the said County Commissioners, at the time of mak-
ing the annual general tax levy, shall levy on all assessable real prop-